Pegger 1.1.8
Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) for when Regular Expressions just aren't enough!

Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) for when Regular Expressions just aren't enough!

Pegger is a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) implementation. It lets you create text parsers by building up a tree of simple matching rules.

Advanced parsing options let you look ahead with predicates, and throw errors to fail fast.

Pegger has been used (by Fantom Factory) to parse HTML, CSS, Markdown, and ANBF - to name but a few. The general strategy is usually:

  1. Create a structure of Fantom data classes
  2. Create a grammar to parse text documents into a node tree
  3. Trim the tree by removing labels and branches, so the tree resembles the structure of the Fantom classes
  4. Walk the tree, recursively creating corresponding data classes

Pegger was inspired by Mouse, Parboiled for Java, and pegs for NIM.



To install Pegger with Fantom Pod Manager, cut'n'paste the following into a cmd prompt, terminal or shell:

Or to install Pegger with the Fantom Repository Manager (fanr), cut'n'paste the following into a cmd prompt, terminal or shell:

Or to install manually, download the pod file and copy it to the %FAN_HOME%/lib/fan/ directory.

afPegger.pod (154.97 kB)


To use Pegger in a Fantom project, add a dependency to the project's

depends = ["sys 1.0", ..., "afPegger 1.1.8 - 1.1"]



Meta information on the Pegger pod:

Published by
Steve Eynon
Fantom-Factory Ltd
Pod file size
154.97 kB
Built on
3rd Sep 2023
Source code
via Git at
Depends on
Referenced by
afEggbox, afHtmlParser, afMarkdownParser, afSlim
Javascript Compatible

Dependency Graph

  Use mouse to re-position pods

Release History

There have been 9 releases of Pegger: