using concurrent::Actor
using concurrent::ActorPool
using concurrent::AtomicRef
using afConcurrent::SynchronizedList
using afConcurrent::SynchronizedState
using inet::TcpSocket

internal const class VideoReader {
    private const Log               log     := Drone#.pod.log
    private const Drone             drone
    private const ActorPool         actorPool
    private const AtomicRef         frameListenerRef    := AtomicRef()
    private const AtomicRef         errorListenerRef    := AtomicRef()
    private const SynchronizedState mutex
    private const Int               port
    new make(Drone drone, ActorPool actorPool, Int port) {
        this.drone      = drone
        this.actorPool  = actorPool
        this.port       = port
        this.mutex      = SynchronizedState(actorPool) |->Obj?| {
            VideoReaderImpl(drone.networkConfig, port)
    ** Only internal listeners should be added here.
    Void setFrameListener(|Buf, PaveHeader| f) {
        frameListenerRef.val = f
    Void setErrorListener(|Err| f) {
        errorListenerRef.val = f
    Void connect() {
        mutex.getState |VideoReaderImpl reader| {
            if (reader.isConnected && !actorPool.isStopped)
    Bool isConnected() {
        mutex.getState |VideoReaderImpl reader->Bool| {

    Void disconnect() {
        if (!
            try mutex.getState |VideoReaderImpl reader| {
            catch { /* meh */ }

        frameListenerRef.val = null
        errorListenerRef.val = null

    private Void readVidData() {
        mutex.withState |VideoReaderImpl reader| {
            if (reader.isConnected && !actorPool.isStopped)

    private Void doReadVidData(VideoReaderImpl reader) {
        pave := null as PaveHeader
        try pave = reader.receive
        catch (IOErr err)
            // drone.isConnected is set to false *before* we stop the ActorPool
            if (reader.isConnected && drone.isConnected)
                ((|Err|?) errorListenerRef.val)?.call(err)

        catch (Err err)
            ((|Err|?) errorListenerRef.val)?.call(err)
        // call internal listeners
        if (pave != null)
            ((|Buf, PaveHeader|?) frameListenerRef.val)?.call(pave.payload, pave)

        pave = null

internal class VideoReaderImpl {
    const Log           log     := Drone#.pod.log
    const Int           port
    const NetworkConfig config
          TcpSocket?    socket
    new make(NetworkConfig config, Int port) {
        this.config = config
        this.port   = port

    Void connect() {
        if (isConnected)
        this.socket = TcpSocket {
            it.options.receiveTimeout = config.tcpReceiveTimeout
        }.connect(config.droneIpAddr, port, config.actionTimeout)

    Bool isConnected() {
        socket != null && socket.isConnected

    Void disconnect() {
        socket = null
    PaveHeader? receive() {
        if (socket == null) return null
        in := { endian = Endian.little }
        // may need to wait until we have all the header data -> readBufFully() ??
        return PaveHeader {
            signature           = in.readChars(4)
            version             = uint8(in)
            videoCodec          = uint8(in)
            headerSize          = uint16(in)
            payloadSize         = uint32(in)
            encodedStreamWidth  = uint16(in)
            encodedStreamHeight = uint16(in)
            displayWidth        = uint16(in)
            displayHeight       = uint16(in)
            frameNumber         = uint32(in)
            timestamp           = 1ms * uint32(in)
            totalChunks         = uint8(in)
            chunkIndex          = uint8(in)
            frameType           = uint8(in)
            control             = uint8(in)
            streamBytePosition  = uint32(in) + (uint32(in).shiftl(32))
            streamId            = uint16(in)
            totalSlices         = uint8(in)
            sliceIndex          = uint8(in)
            header1Size         = uint8(in)
            header2Size         = uint8(in)
            advertisedSize      = uint32(in)
            if (signature != "PaVE")
                // meh - lets carry on regardless
                log.warn("Invalid PaVE signature: ${signature}")
            // stupid kludge for
            in.skip(headerSize - 64)
            payload = in.readBufFully(null, payloadSize)

    private static Bool     bool    (InStream in) { in.readU1 != 0 }
    private static Int      uint8   (InStream in) { in.readU1 }
    private static Int      uint16  (InStream in) { in.readU2 }
    private static Int      uint32  (InStream in) { in.readU4 }
    private static Int      int16   (InStream in) { in.readS2 }
    private static Int      int32   (InStream in) { in.readS4 }
    private static Int      int64   (InStream in) { in.readS8 }
    private static Float    float32 (InStream in) { Float.makeBits32(in.readU4) }
    private static Float    double64(InStream in) { Float.makeBits(in.readS8) }

** Parrot Video Encapsulation (PaVE) headers for video frame data.
** Passed to the [drone.onVideoFrame()]`Drone.onVideoFrame` event hook. 
const class PaveHeader {
    ** "PaVE" - used to identify the start of frame
    const Str signature
    ** Version code
    const Int version
    ** Codec of the following frame
    const Int videoCodec

    ** Size of the parrot_video_encapsulation_t
    const Int headerSize

    ** Amount of data following this PaVE
    const Int payloadSize
    ** Example: 640
    const Int encodedStreamWidth

    ** Example: 368
    const Int encodedStreamHeight
    ** Example: 640
    const Int displayWidth

    ** Example: 360
    const Int displayHeight

    ** Frame position inside the current stream
    const Int frameNumber
    ** In milliseconds
    const Duration timestamp

    ** Number of UDP packets containing the current decodable payload - currently unused
    const Int totalChunks

    ** Position of the packet - first chunk is #0 - currenty unused
    const Int chunkIndex

    ** I-frame, P-frame - parrot_video_encapsulation_frametypes_t
    const Int frameType

    ** Special commands like end-of-stream or advertised frames
    const Int control

    ** Byte position of the current payload in the encoded stream
    const Int streamBytePosition

    ** This ID indentifies packets that should be recorded together
    const Int streamId

    ** Number of slices composing the current frame
    const Int totalSlices

    ** Position of the current slice in the frame
    const Int sliceIndex

    ** H.264 only : size of SPS inside payload - no SPS present if value is zero
    const Int header1Size

    ** H.264 only : size of PPS inside payload - no PPS present if value is zero
    const Int header2Size

    ** Size of frames announced as advertised frames
    const Int advertisedSize    
    ** The raw video frame data 
    const Buf payload
    new make(|This| f) { f(this) }