const classafParrotSdk2::PaveHeader
sys::Obj afParrotSdk2::PaveHeader
Parrot Video Encapsulation (PaVE) headers for video frame data. Passed to the drone.onVideoFrame() event hook.
- advertisedSize
const Int advertisedSize
Size of frames announced as advertised frames
- chunkIndex
const Int chunkIndex
Position of the packet - first chunk is #0 - currenty unused
- control
const Int control
Special commands like end-of-stream or advertised frames
- displayHeight
const Int displayHeight
Example: 360
- displayWidth
const Int displayWidth
Example: 640
- encodedStreamHeight
const Int encodedStreamHeight
Example: 368
- encodedStreamWidth
const Int encodedStreamWidth
Example: 640
- frameNumber
const Int frameNumber
Frame position inside the current stream
- frameType
const Int frameType
I-frame, P-frame - parrot_video_encapsulation_frametypes_t
- header1Size
const Int header1Size
H.264 only : size of SPS inside payload - no SPS present if value is zero
- header2Size
const Int header2Size
H.264 only : size of PPS inside payload - no PPS present if value is zero
- headerSize
const Int headerSize
Size of the parrot_video_encapsulation_t
- payload
const Buf payload
The raw video frame data
- payloadSize
const Int payloadSize
Amount of data following this PaVE
- signature
const Str signature
"PaVE" - used to identify the start of frame
- sliceIndex
const Int sliceIndex
Position of the current slice in the frame
- streamBytePosition
const Int streamBytePosition
Byte position of the current payload in the encoded stream
- streamId
const Int streamId
This ID indentifies packets that should be recorded together
- timestamp
const Duration timestamp
In milliseconds
- totalChunks
const Int totalChunks
Number of UDP packets containing the current decodable payload - currently unused
- totalSlices
const Int totalSlices
Number of slices composing the current frame
- version
const Int version
Version code
- videoCodec
const Int videoCodec
Codec of the following frame