const classafParrotSdk2::NavDataFlags
sys::Obj afParrotSdk2::NavDataFlags
Standard state flags returned by the drone.
- acquisitionThreadOn
Bool acquisitionThreadOn()
- adcWatchdogDelayed
Bool adcWatchdogDelayed()
- altitudeControlActive
Bool altitudeControlActive()
- anglesOutOufRange
Bool anglesOutOufRange()
Drone exceeded maximum tilt. This also sets
.- angularSpeedControl
Bool angularSpeedControl()
- atCodecThreadOn
Bool atCodecThreadOn()
- batteryTooLow
Bool batteryTooLow()
Battery level is at or below 20%
- bootstrapMode
Bool bootstrapMode()
Bootstap mode is on.
- cameraReady
Bool cameraReady()
- comWatchdogProblem
Bool comWatchdogProblem()
- communicationLost
Bool communicationLost()
- controlCommandAck
Bool controlCommandAck()
- controlWatchdogDelayed
Bool controlWatchdogDelayed()
- cutOutDetected
Bool cutOutDetected()
- data
const Int data
The raw flags data.
- dump
Str dump(Bool dumpToStdOut := true)
Dumps all flags out to debug string.
- dumpChanged
Str dumpChanged(NavDataFlags? oldFlags)
Dumps to a debug string all flags that are different to the instance passed in. May return an empty string if nothing has changed.
is passed in, all old flags are assumed to befalse
.Note this ignores changes to common flags
.- emergencyLanding
Bool emergencyLanding()
The drone initiated an emergency landing.
- eulerAnglesControl
Bool eulerAnglesControl()
- flying
Bool flying()
The drone is in the air.
- gyrometersDown
Bool gyrometersDown()
Bool hiResNavData()
NavData is being sent at ~ 200 times a second.
- magnometerNeedsCalibration
Bool magnometerNeedsCalibration()
- motorProblem
Bool motorProblem()
Bool navDataThreadOn()
- picVersionNumberOK
Bool picVersionNumberOK()
- timerElapsed
Bool timerElapsed()
- tooMuchWind
Bool tooMuchWind()
Too much wind. (pffft!)
- travellingEnabled
Bool travellingEnabled()
- ultrasonicSensorDeaf
Bool ultrasonicSensorDeaf()
- usbReady
Bool usbReady()
- userEmergencyLanding
Bool userEmergencyLanding()
The user initiated an emergency landing (sent an emergency AT*REF command)
- userFeedbackOn
Bool userFeedbackOn()
- videoEnabled
Bool videoEnabled()
- videoThreadOn
Bool videoThreadOn()
- visionEnabled
Bool visionEnabled()