Sizzle 1.0.6
A library for querying XML documents by means of CSS 2.1 selectors

Sizzle is a library for querying XML documents by means of CSS 2.1 selectors.

Sizzle currently supports:

  • The Universal selector - *
  • Type selectors - div
  • ID selectors - #id
  • Class selectors - .heading
  • Descendant selectors - html div
  • Child selectors - html > div
  • Adjacent sibling selectors - div + p
  • Any value attribute selector - [att]
  • Exact value attribute selector - [att=val]
  • Whitespace value attribute selector - [att~=val]
  • Language value attribute selector - [att|=val]
  • The pseudo-class :first-child
  • The language pseudo-class :lang(xxx)

Bonus CSS3 selectors:

  • The pseudo-class :last-child
  • The pseudo-class :nth-child(n) (basic numeric implementation)
  • The pseudo-class :nth-last-child(n) (basic numeric implementation)

Note: Sizzle has no association with Sizzle - The JavaScript CSS Selector Engine as used by JQuery. Well, except for the name of course!



To install Sizzle with Fantom Pod Manager, cut'n'paste the following into a cmd prompt, terminal or shell:

Or to install Sizzle with the Fantom Repository Manager (fanr), cut'n'paste the following into a cmd prompt, terminal or shell:

Or to install manually, download the pod file and copy it to the %FAN_HOME%/lib/fan/ directory.

afSizzle.pod (36.88 kB)


To use Sizzle in a Fantom project, add a dependency to the project's

depends = ["sys 1.0", ..., "afSizzle 1.0.6 - 1.0"]



Meta information on the Sizzle pod:

Published by
Steve Eynon
Fantom-Factory Ltd
Pod file size
36.88 kB
Built on
12th Feb 2023
Source code
via Git at
Depends on
sys, xml
Referenced by
afBedNap, afBounce
Javascript Compatible

Dependency Graph

  Use mouse to re-position pods

Release History

There have been 8 releases of Sizzle: