using concurrent::AtomicInt
using compiler

** Compiles Fantom source code and afPlastic models into usable Fantom code.
const class PlasticCompiler {

    ** When generating code snippets to report compilation Errs, this is the number of lines of src 
    ** code the erroneous line should be padded with.  
    public const  Int   srcCodePadding      := 5 
    ** static because pods are shared throughout the JVM, not just the IoC 
    private static const AtomicInt podIndex := AtomicInt(1)
    ** Creates a 'PlasticCompiler'.
    new make(|This|? in := null) { in?.call(this) }
    ** Compiles the given class model into a pod and returns the associated Fantom type.
    Type compileModel(PlasticClassModel model) {
        pod     := compileCode(model.toFantomCode)
        type    := pod.type(model.className)
        return type
    ** Compiles the given Fantom code into a pod. 
    ** If no pod name is given, a unique one will be generated.
    Pod compileCode(Str fantomPodCode, Str? podName := null) {

        podName = podName ?: generatePodName
        try {
            input           := CompilerInput()
            input.podName   = podName
            input.summary   = "Alien-Factory Transient Pod"
            input.version   = Version.defVal
            input.log.level = LogLevel.warn
            input.isScript  = true
            input.output    = CompilerOutputMode.transientPod
            input.mode      = CompilerInputMode.str
            input.srcStrLoc = Loc(podName)
            input.srcStr    = fantomPodCode
            compiler        := Compiler(input)
            pod             := compiler.compile.transientPod
            return pod

        } catch (CompilerErr err) {
            srcCode := SrcCodeSnippet(`${podName}`, fantomPodCode)
            throw PlasticCompilationErr(srcCode, err.line, err.msg, srcCodePadding)
    ** Different pod names prevents "sys::Err: Duplicate pod name: <podName>".
    ** We internalise podName so we can guarantee no duplicate pod names
    Str generatePodName() {
        index := podIndex.getAndIncrement.toStr.padl(3, '0')
        // TODO: afIoc used afPlasticPod!!!
//      return "afPlasticPod${index}"
        return "afPlastic${index}"