using concurrent::AtomicInt
using concurrent::AtomicRef
using compiler
** (Service) -
** Compiles Fantom source code and afPlastic models into usable Fantom code.
** Note: This class is available as a service in IoC v3 under the 'root' scope with an ID of 'afPlastic::PlasticCompiler'.
const class PlasticCompiler {
** static because pods are shared throughout the JVM, not just the IoC
private static const AtomicInt podIndex := AtomicInt(1)
** When generating code snippets to report compilation Errs, this is the number of lines of src
** code the erroneous line should be padded with.
** Value is mutable. Defaults to '5'.
Int srcCodePadding {
get { _srcCodePadding.val }
set { _srcCodePadding.val = it }
private const AtomicInt _srcCodePadding := AtomicInt(5)
** The base name used to generate pod names.
** This name may overridden when compiling src.
** Defaults to 'afPlastic' so pods will be named 'afPlasticXXX'.
Str podBaseName {
get { _podBaseName.val }
set { _podBaseName.val = it }
private const AtomicRef _podBaseName := AtomicRef("afPlastic")
** Creates a 'PlasticCompiler'.
new make(|This|? in := null) { in?.call(this) }
** Compiles the given class model into a pod and returns the associated Fantom type.
** If no pod name is given, a unique one will be generated.
Type compileModel(PlasticClassModel model, Str? podName := null) {
podName = podName ?: generatePodName
pod := compileCode(model.toFantomCode, podName)
type := pod.type(model.className)
return type
Type[] compileModels(PlasticClassModel[] models, Str? podName := null) {
if (models.isEmpty) return Type[,]
podName = podName ?: generatePodName
podCode := models.first
models.eachRange(1..-1) { podCode.usings.addAll(it.usings); it.usings.clear }
fanCode := { it.toFantomCode }.join("\n")
pod := compileCode(fanCode, podName)
types := { pod.type(it.className) }
return types
** Compiles the given Fantom code into a pod.
** If no pod name is given, a unique one will be generated.
** 'srcCodeLocation' is just used to report errors. If not given, the 'podName' is used.
Pod compileCode(Str fantomPodCode, Str? podName := null, Uri? srcCodeLocation := null ) {
input := CompilerInput()
input.output = CompilerOutputMode.transientPod
return compile(input, fantomPodCode, podName, srcCodeLocation).transientPod
** Compiles the given Fantom code into a pod file.
** If no pod name is given, a unique one will be generated.
** 'srcCodeLocation' is just used to report errors. If not given, the 'podName' is used.
** Note the returned file is deemed to be transient, so is deleted on exit.
** Note: Fantom 1.0.68 needs [this patch]`` in order to work.
File compileCodeToPodFile(Str fantomPodCode, Str? podName := null, Uri? srcCodeLocation := null ) {
input := CompilerInput()
input.output = CompilerOutputMode.podFile
input.outDir = Env.cur.tempDir
// yes please! Generate .apidocs for us!
input.includeDoc = true
// if true, then actual src FILES are looked for
input.includeSrc = false
// just needs to be not-null - compiler::WritePod.writePodDocs() looks for .fandoc files
input.baseDir = Env.cur.tempDir
return compile(input, fantomPodCode, podName, srcCodeLocation).podFile.deleteOnExit
** Different pod names prevents "sys::Err: Duplicate pod name: <podName>".
** We internalise podName so we can guarantee no duplicate pod names
Str generatePodName() {
index := podIndex.getAndIncrement.toStr.padl(3, '0')
return "${podBaseName}${index}"
private CompilerOutput compile(CompilerInput input, Str fantomPodCode, Str? podName, Uri? srcCodeLocation) {
podName = podName ?: generatePodName
if (Pod.of(this).log.isDebug)
Pod.of(this).log.debug("Compiling code for pod: ${podName}\n${fantomPodCode}")
try {
input.podName = podName
input.summary = "Dynamic Pod compiled by Alien-Factory Plastic"
input.version = Version.defVal
input.log.level = LogLevel.silent // we'll raise our own Errs - less noise to std.out
input.isScript = true
input.mode = CompilerInputMode.str
input.srcStrLoc = Loc(podName)
input.srcStr = fantomPodCode
compiler := Compiler(input)
output := compiler.compile
return output
} catch (CompilerErr err) {
srcCode := SrcCodeSnippet(srcCodeLocation ?: podName.toUri, fantomPodCode)
throw PlasticCompilationErr(srcCode, err.line ?: 1, err.msg, srcCodePadding)