** (Advanced)
** Handed to 'Rule' classes during the matching process.
mixin RuleCtx {
** Call to process a sub-rule. Returns 'true' if it matched successfully.
abstract Bool process(Rule rule)
** Consumes 1 character from the underlying input stream.
abstract Int readChar()
** Peeks a character relative to the current position
** (Does not consume any characters).
** For example:
** - 'peekChar(2)' - returns char at 'currentPos + 2'
** - 'peekChar(-1)' - returns char at 'currentPos - 1'
** Returns 'null' if out of bounds.
abstract Int? peekChar(Int offset := 0)
** Returns the current position in the underlying input stream.
abstract Int currentPos()
** Rolls back the underlying input stream to the given position.
abstract Void rollbackToPos(Int pos)
** Returns 'true' if at the Start-Of-Stream.
abstract Bool sos()
** Returns 'true' if at the End-Of-Stream.
abstract Bool eos()
** Logs the given message to debug. It is formatted to be the same as the other Pegger debug messages.
abstract Void log(Str msg)
** Returns a PEG specific 'ParseErr' to be thrown.
abstract PegParseErr parseErr(Str errMsg)
** Returns the string we are matching against.
abstract Str str()