** Represents a PEG match result.
class Match {
    private Result  result
    private Str     in
    ** Storage for user data - use when investigating match results.
    [Str:Obj?]?     data
    internal new make(Result result, Str in) {
        this.result = result     = in

    ** Returns the associated rule 'label' (or 'name' if 'label' is 'null').
    Str? name() {
        rule.label ?:

    // Meh, it's too complicated distinguishing between the two in switch statements (see HTML parser)
    // much easy to munge the two into "name" - users can always query the Rule if need be 
//  ** Returns the associated rule label, or name if there is no label.
//  Str? label() {
//      rule.label ?:
//  }

    ** Returns 'true' if a there's a direct sub-match with the given rule label or name.
    Bool contains(Str label) {
        getMatch(label) != null
    ** Deeply searches for a labelled Match of the given name at the given index.
    ** Negative indexes can not be used.
    Match? findMatch(Str label, Int index := 0) {
        if ( == label)
            return this

        i := 0
        return matches.eachWhile |match| {
            gotOne := match.findMatch(label)
            // keep counting until we find the match at the given index 
            if (gotOne != null && i++ < index)
                gotOne = null

            return gotOne
    ** Returns the direct sub-match with the given label (or rule name) at the given index.
    ** Use negative index to access from the end of the list.
    Match? getMatch(Str label) {
        result.getMatch(label, in)

    ** Returns the direct sub-match at the given index.
    Match? getMatchAt(Int index) {
    ** Returns the first direct sub-match.
    Match? firstMatch() {

    ** Returns all direct sub-matches, optionally with the given label / name.
    Match[] matches(Str? label := null) {
        label == null ? result.matches(in) : result.getMatches(label, in)
    ** Returns the matched string.
    Str matched() {
    ** Returns the matched range; where this match lies within the input string.
    Range matchedRange() {
    ** Returns a snippet of source code, centred on this match.
    Str snippet(Str? msg := null, Int? padding := null) {
        result.matchedSnippet(in, msg, padding)
    ** Returns the '[x,y]' character location of this match in the input string. 
    ** Coordinates are one-based.
    Int[] location() {
    ** Returns the line number of this match in the input string.
    ** Number is one-based. 
    Int lineNum() {

    ** Returns the parent Match in the tree, or 'null' if this is the root.
    Match? parent() {
        result.parent?.match(null, in)  // null is fine, as we've already set the parent
    ** Returns the rule associated with this match.
    Rule rule() {
    ** Dumps the matched tree to std-out.
    ** Useful for debugging.
    This dump(OutStream out := Env.cur.out) {
        return this

    ** Returns the matched tree as a string.
    Str debugStr() {
        buf := StrBuf(in.size * 5)
        doDump(buf, Bool[,])
        return buf.toStr

    // Meh - I don't actually like this - and it's often easier to just itr over the matches yourself
//  ** Walks the match tree, calling the given funcs as it steps in to, and out of, a 'Match'.
//  ** Start with *this* 'Match'. 
//  Void walk(|Match|? start, |Match|? end) {
//      start?.call(this)
//      matches.each { it.walk(start, end) }
//      end?.call(this)
//  }
    override Str toStr() { matched }
    // chars from ``
    private Void doDump(StrBuf buf, Bool[] indent) {
        // tidy up dumps, so we exclude names (in special cases)
        ruleName := rule is RuleRef && rule->realRule->useInResult == false ? null :
        name := [rule.label, ruleName].exclude { it == null }.join(":").trimToNull ?: "???:???"
        buf.add(name ?: rule.expression)
        matches := matches

        if (matches.isEmpty)
            buf.addChar(' ').addChar(':').addChar(' ').add(matched.toCode)

        matches.each |match, x| {
            indent.each { buf.addChar(' ').addChar(it ? '│' : ' ').addChar(' ').addChar(' ') }

            buf.addChar(' ').addChar(matches.size-1 == x ? '└' : '├').addChar('─').addChar(' ')
            indent.push(x != matches.size-1)
            match.doDump(buf, indent)