** Represents a MongoDB user.
** To enable authentication, ensure MongoDB is started in *secure* mode:
**   C:\> mongod --auth
** If you don't then all users have access to all databases.
** Users are assigned *roles*. [Built-in roles]`` 
** for all databases are:
**  - read
**  - readWrite
**  - dbAdmin
**  - dbOwner
**  - userAdmin
** Built in roles for the admin database are:
**  - readWriteAnyDatabase
**  - userAdminAnyDatabase
**  - dbAdminAnyDatabase
** To create a [superuser]``, or root 
** user, grant her ALL of the above admin database roles. (It's always handy to have one!)
** Note in this API all user roles are bound to the containing database.
const class User {

    private const ConnectionManager conMgr
    private const Namespace userNs
    ** The name of this user.
    const Str name
    ** Creates a 'User' with the given details.
    new make(ConnectionManager conMgr, Str dbName, Str userName, |This|? f := null) {
        this.conMgr     = conMgr
        this.userNs     = Namespace(dbName, "system.users")       = userName
    ** Returns info on the user.
    ** @see ``
    [Str:Obj?] info() {
        cmd.add("usersInfo", ["user":name, "db":userNs.databaseName]).run["users"]->getSafe(0) ?: Str:Obj?[:]

    ** Returns 'true' if this user exists.
    Bool exists() {

    ** Creates the user with the given credentials. 
    ** @see ``
    This create(Str password, Str[] roles, [Str:Obj?]? customData := null, [Str:Obj?]? writeConcern := null) {
        cmd("insert")   // has writeConcern
            .add("createUser",      name)
            .add("pwd",             password)
            .add("customData",      customData)
            .add("roles",           roles)
            .add("writeConcern",    writeConcern ?: conMgr.writeConcern)
        // [ok:1.0]
        return this

    ** Drops this user.
    ** @see ``
    This drop(Bool checked := true) {
        if (checked || exists) cmd.add("dropUser", name).run
        // [ok:1.0]
        return this

    ** Returns all roles held by this user.
    Str[] roles() {
        (([Str:Obj?][]) info["roles"]).findAll { it["db"] == userNs.databaseName }.map |role->Str| { role["role"] }.sort
    ** Grants roles to the user.
    ** @see ``
    This grantRoles(Str[] roles, [Str:Obj?]? writeConcern := null) {
        cmd("update")   // has writeConcern
            .add("grantRolesToUser",    name)
            .add("roles",               roles)
            .add("writeConcern",        writeConcern ?: conMgr.writeConcern)
        // [ok:1.0]
        return this

    ** Revokes roles from the user.
    ** @see ``
    This revokeRoles(Str[] roles, [Str:Obj?]? writeConcern := null) {
        cmd("update")   // has writeConcern
            .add("revokeRolesFromUser", name)
            .add("roles",               roles)
            .add("writeConcern",        writeConcern ?: conMgr.writeConcern)
        // [ok:1.0]
        return this
    // ---- Private Methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Cmd cmd(Str? action := null) {
        return Cmd(conMgr, userNs, action)

    // ---- Obj Overrides -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    override Str toStr() {
