A pure Fantom driver for MongoDB
Connection | Represents a connection to a MongoDB instance. |
ConnectionManager | Manages connections to a MongoDB instance. |
Collection | Represents a MongoDB collection. |
ConnectionManagerPooled | Manages a pool of connections. |
Cursor | Iterates over database query results. |
Database | Represents a MongoDB database. |
Flag | (Advanced) A Flag represents many states by setting and clearing bits on a Int. |
Index | Represents a MongoDB index. |
MongoClient | A MongoDB client. |
OpQueryFlags | (Advanced) Flags to use with |
OpReplyFlags | (Advanced) Flags set in a Reply Response from MongoDB. |
OpReplyResponse | (Advanced) Wraps a response from MongoDB. |
Operation | (Advanced) The low level transport mechanism that talks to MongoDB instances. |
PrettyPrinter | Pretty prints MongoDB documents to a JSON-esque string. |
User | Represents a MongoDB user. |
MongoCmdErr | Wraps errors returned from a MongoDB Cmd. |
MongoErr | As thrown by Mongo. |