** (Advanced)** Wraps a response from MongoDB.** ** @See `https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/mongodb-wire-protocol/#op-reply`.class OpReplyResponse {** Response information.const OpReplyFlags flags** The Mongo cursor this reply corresponds to.const Int cursorId** The cursor position.const Int cursorPos** The returned MongoDB BSON documents.[Str:Obj?][] documents {internal set}internalnew make(|This|in){ in(this)}** Returns the first document. ** ** Throws an Err if 'checked' and 'documents' is empty.** Always throws an Err if there is more than 1 document.[Str:Obj?]? document(Bool checked := true){// always check for more than one, 'cos which are we to return!?if(documents.size > 1)throw MongoErr(ErrMsgs.opReply_tooMany(documents))return documents.getSafe(0) ?: (checked ? throw MongoErr(ErrMsgs.opReply_isEmpty) : null)} @NoDocoverride Str toStr(){"${documents.size} documents, pos=${cursorPos}, cursor is " + (cursorId == 0 ? "dead" : "alive")}}