using afBson::Code
** Represents a MongoDB collection.
const class Collection {
private const Namespace namespace
internal const ConnectionManager conMgr
** The qualified name of the collection.
** It takes the form of:
** <database>.<collection>
Str qname {
get { namespace.qname }
private set { }
** The simple name of the collection.
Str name {
get { namespace.collectionName }
private set { }
** Creates a 'Collection' with the given qualified (dot separated) name.
** Note this just instantiates the Fantom object, it does not create anything in the database.
new makeFromQname(ConnectionManager conMgr, Str qname, |This|? f := null) {
this.conMgr = conMgr
this.namespace = Namespace(qname)
** Creates a 'Collection' with the given name under the database.
** Note this just instantiates the Fantom object, it does not create anything in the database.
new makeFromDatabase(Database database, Str name, |This|? f := null) {
this.conMgr = database.conMgr
this.namespace = Namespace(, name)
internal new makeFromNamespace(ConnectionManager conMgr, Namespace namespace, |This|? f := null) {
this.conMgr = conMgr
this.namespace = namespace
// ---- Collection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Returns 'true' if this collection exists.
Bool exists() {
res := cmd.add("listCollections", 1).add("filter", ["name":name]).run
return res["cursor"]->get("firstBatch")->isEmpty->not
** Creates a new collection explicitly.
** There is usually no no need to call this unless you wish explicitly set collection options.
** @see ``
This create([Str:Obj?]? options := null) {
cmd .add("create", name)
// as create() only returns [ok:1.0], return this
return this
** Creates a capped collection.
** @see ``
This createCapped(Int sizeInBytes, Int? maxNoOfDocs := null, [Str:Obj?]? options := null) {
cmd .add("create", name)
.add("capped", true)
.add("size", sizeInBytes)
.add("max", maxNoOfDocs)
// as create() only returns [ok:1.0], return this
return this
** Drops this collection, but only if it exists.
** Note that deleting all documents is MUCH quicker than dropping the Collection. See `deleteAll` for details.
** If 'force' is 'true' then no checks are made.
** This will result in an error if the collection doesn't exist.
** @see ``
This drop(Bool force := false) {
if (force || exists) cmd.add("drop", name).run
// [ns:afMongoTest.col-test, nIndexesWas:1, ok:1.0]
// not sure wot 'nIndexesWas' or if it's useful, so return this for now
return this
// ---- Diagnostics --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Returns storage statistics for this collection.
** @see ``
[Str:Obj?] stats(Int scale := 1) {
cmd.add("collStats", name).add("scale", scale).run
// ---- Cursor Queries ------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Creates a `Cursor` over the given 'query' allowing you to iterate over results.
** Documents are downloaded from MongoDB in batches behind the scene as and when required.
** Use 'find()' to optomise iterating over a *massive* result set.
** Returns what is returned from the given cursor function.
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** second := collection.find([:]) |cursor->Obj?| {
** first :=
** second :=
** return second
** }
** <pre
** - @see `Cursor`
** - @see ``
Obj? find(Str:Obj? query, |Cursor->Obj?| func) {
conMgr.leaseConnection |con->Obj?| {
cursor := Cursor(con, namespace, query)
try {
return func(cursor)
} finally {
** An (optomised) method to return one document from the given 'query'.
** Throws 'MongoErr' if no documents are found and 'checked' is true, returns 'null' otherwise.
** Always throws 'MongoErr' if the query returns more than one document.
** @see ``
[Str:Obj?]? findOne([Str:Obj?]? query := null, Bool checked := true) {
query = query ?: Str:Obj?[:]
// findOne() is optomised to NOT call count() on a successful call
return find(query) |cursor| {
// "If numberToReturn is 1 the server will treat it as -1 (closing the cursor automatically)."
// Means I can't use the isAlive() trick to check for more documents.
cursor.batchSize = 2
one := ?: (checked ? throw MongoErr(ErrMsgs.collection_findOneIsEmpty(qname, query)) : null)
if (cursor.isAlive || != null)
throw MongoErr(ErrMsgs.collection_findOneHasMany(qname, cursor.count, query))
return one
** Returns the result of the given 'query' as a list of documents.
** If 'sort' is a Str it should the name of an index to use as a hint.
** If 'sort' is a '[Str:Obj?]' map, it should be a sort document with field names as keys.
** Values may either be the standard Mongo '1' and '-1' for ascending / descending or the
** strings 'ASC' / 'DESC'.
** The 'sort' map, should it contain more than 1 entry, must be ordered.
** 'projection' alters / limits which fields returned in the query results.
** Note that 'findAll(...)' is a convenience for calling 'find(...)' and returning the cursor as a list.
** - @see `Cursor.toList`
** - @see ``
** - @see ``
[Str:Obj?][] findAll([Str:Obj?]? query := null, Obj? sort := null, Int skip := 0, Int? limit := null, [Str:Obj?]? projection := null) {
query = query ?: Str:Obj?[:]
return find(query) |Cursor cursor->[Str:Obj?][]| {
cursor.skip = skip
cursor.limit = limit
cursor.projection = projection
if (sort is Str) cursor.hint = sort
if (sort is Map) cursor.orderBy = sort
if (sort != null && sort isnot Str && sort isnot Map)
throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.collection_findAllSortArgBad(sort))
return cursor.toList
** Returns the number of documents that would be returned by the given 'query'.
** @see `Cursor.count`
Int findCount([Str:Obj?]? query := null) {
query = query ?: Str:Obj?[:]
return find(query) |cur->Int| {
** Convenience / shorthand notation for 'findOne(["_id" : id], checked)'
[Str:Obj?]? get(Obj? id, Bool checked := true) {
if (id == null)
return !checked ? null : (null ?: throw MongoErr(ErrMsgs.collection_findOneIsEmpty(qname, id)))
return findOne(["_id" : id], checked)
// ---- Write Operations ----------------------------------------------------------------------
** Inserts the given document.
** Returns the number of documents inserted.
** @see ``
Int insert(Str:Obj? document, [Str:Obj?]? writeConcern := null) {
insertMulti([document], null, writeConcern)["n"]->toInt
** Inserts multiple documents.
** @see ``
[Str:Obj?] insertMulti([Str:Obj?][] inserts, Bool? ordered := null, [Str:Obj?]? writeConcern := null) {
.add("insert", name)
.add("documents", inserts)
.add("ordered", ordered)
.add("writeConcern", writeConcern ?: conMgr.writeConcern)
** Deletes documents that match the given query.
** Returns the number of documents deleted.
** If 'deleteAll' is 'true' then all documents matching the query will be deleted, otherwise
** only the first match will be deleted.
** @see ``
Int delete(Str:Obj? query, Bool deleteAll := false, [Str:Obj?]? writeConcern := null) {
cmd := cmd
.add("q", query)
.add("limit", deleteAll ? 0 : 1)
return deleteMulti([cmd.query], null, writeConcern)["n"]->toInt
** Executes multiple delete queries.
** @see ``
[Str:Obj?] deleteMulti([Str:Obj?][] deletes, Bool? ordered := null, [Str:Obj?]? writeConcern := null) {
.add("delete", name)
.add("deletes", deletes)
.add("ordered", ordered)
.add("writeConcern", writeConcern ?: conMgr.writeConcern)
** Convenience method for deleting ALL documents in a Collection.
** Returns the number of documents deleted.
** Note this is MUCH quicker than dropping the Collection.
** Same as calling:
** syntax: fantom
** deleteMulti([["q":[:], "limit":0]], false, writeConcern)["n"]
Int deleteAll([Str:Obj?]? writeConcern := null) {
deleteMulti([["q":[:], "limit":0]], false, writeConcern)["n"]->toInt
** Runs the given 'updateCmd' against documents returned by 'query'.
** Inspect return value for upserted IDs.
** Note this does *not* throw an Err should the query not match any documents.
** If 'multi' is 'true' then the multiple documents may be updated, otherwise the update is limited to one.
** If 'upsert' is 'true' and no documents are updated, then one is inserted.
** @see ``
[Str:Obj?] update(Str:Obj? query, Str:Obj? updateCmd, Bool? multi := false, Bool? upsert := false, [Str:Obj?]? writeConcern := null) {
cmd := cmd
.add("q", query)
.add("u", updateCmd)
.add("upsert", upsert)
.add("multi", multi)
return updateMulti([cmd.query], null, writeConcern)
** Runs multiple update queries.
** @see ``
[Str:Obj?] updateMulti([Str:Obj?][] updates, Bool? ordered := null, [Str:Obj?]? writeConcern := null) {
.add("update", name)
.add("updates", updates)
.add("ordered", ordered)
.add("writeConcern", writeConcern ?: conMgr.writeConcern)
** Updates and returns a single document.
** If the query returns multiple documents then the first one is updated.
** If 'returnModified' is 'true' then the document is returned *after* the updates have been applied.
** Returns 'null' if no document was found.
** The 'options' parameter is merged with the Mongo command and may contain the following:
** table:
** Options Type Desc
** ------- ---- ----
** upsert Bool Creates a new document if no document matches the query
** sort Doc Orders the result to determine which document to update.
** fields Doc Defines which fields to return.
** Example:
** syntax: fantom
** collection.findAndUpdate(query, cmd, true, ["upsert":true, "fields": ["myEntity.myField":1]]
** @see ``
[Str:Obj?]? findAndUpdate(Str:Obj? query, Str:Obj? updateCmd, Bool returnModified, [Str:Obj?]? options := null) {
cmd .add("findAndModify", name)
.add("query", query)
.add("update", updateCmd)
.add("new", returnModified)
** Deletes and returns a single document.
** If the query returns multiple documents then the first one is delete.
** The 'options' parameter is merged with the Mongo command and may contain the following:
** table:
** Options Type Desc
** ------- ---- ----
** sort Doc Orders the result to determine which document to delete.
** fields Doc Defines which fields to return.
** Example:
** syntax: fantom
** collection.findAndDelete(query, ["fields": ["myEntity.myField":1]]
** @see ``
[Str:Obj?] findAndDelete(Str:Obj? query, [Str:Obj?]? options := null) {
cmd .add("findAndModify", name)
.add("query", query)
.add("remove", true)
// ---- Aggregation Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------
** Returns the number of documents in the collection.
** @see ``
Int size() {
cmd.add("count", name).run["n"]->toInt
** Finds the distinct values for a specified field.
** @see ``
Obj[] distinct(Str field, [Str:Obj?]? query := null) {
cmd .add("distinct", name)
.add("key", field)
.add("query", query)
** Groups documents by the specified key and performs simple aggregation functions.
** 'key' must either be a list of field names ( 'Str[]' ) or a function that creates a
** "key object" ( 'Str' ).
** The 'options' parameter is merged with the Mongo command and may contain the following:
** table:
** Options Type Desc
** ------- ---- ----
** cond Doc Determines which documents in the collection to process.
** finalize Func Runs on each item in the result set before the final value is returned.
** @see ``
[Str:Obj?][] group(Obj key, [Str:Obj?] initial, Code reduceFunc, [Str:Obj?]? options := null) {
keydoc := ([Str:Obj?]?) null; keyf := (Str?) null
if (key is List) { keydoc = cmd.query.addList(key); keydoc.keys.each { keydoc[it] = 1 } }
if (key is Str) keyf = key
if (keydoc == null && keyf == null)
throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.collection_badKeyGroup(key))
group := cmd
.add("ns", name)
.add("key", keydoc)
.add("\$keyf", keyf)
.add("initial", initial)
.add("\$reduce", reduceFunc)
return cmd.add("group", group.query).run["retval"]
** Run a map-reduce aggregation operation over the collection.
** If 'out' is a Str, it specifies the name of a collection to store the results.
** If 'out' is a Map, it specifies the action to take.
** The 'options' parameter is merged with the Mongo command and may contain the following:
** table:
** Options Type Desc
** ------- ---- ----
** query Doc The selection criteria for input documents.
** sort Doc Sorts the input documents.
** limit Int The maximum number of documents given to the map function.
** finalize Func Follows the 'reduce' method and modifies the output.
** scope Doc global variables used in the 'map', 'reduce' and 'finalize' functions.
** out Obj If a 'Str' then it's the name of a collection to store the results in, if a Doc, then it specifies the action to take.
** jsMode Bool If 'false' (default) objects from the 'map' function are converted into BSON before being handed to the 'finalize' function.
** verbose Bool If 'true' (default) then timing information is returned in the result.
** Note if an 'out' option is not specified, it is taken to be *inline* and the returned document contains the results.
** @see ``
[Str:Obj?] mapReduce(Code mapFunc, Code reduceFunc, [Str:Obj?]? options := null) {
opts :=
if (!opts.containsKey("out"))
opts["out"] = ["inline" : 1]
return cmd
.add("mapReduce", name)
.add("map", mapFunc)
.add("reduce", reduceFunc)
** Performs an aggregation operation using a sequence of stage-based manipulations.
** The 'options' parameter is merged with the Mongo command and may contain the following:
** table:
** Options Type Desc
** ------- ---- ----
** explain Bool Returns pipeline processing information.
** allowDiskUse Bool If 'true' allows temp data to be stored on disk.
** cursor Doc Controls the cursor creation.
** @see
** - ``
** - ``
[Str:Obj?][] aggregate([Str:Obj?][] pipeline, [Str:Obj?]? options := null) {
cmd .add("aggregate", name)
.add("pipeline", pipeline)
** Same as 'aggregate()' but returns a cursor to iterate over the results.
** @see
** - ``
** - ``
Obj? aggregateCursor([Str:Obj?][] pipeline, |Cursor->Obj?| func) {
cmd := cmd
.add("aggregate", name)
.add("pipeline", pipeline)
.add("cursor", ["batchSize": 0])
results := (Str:Obj?)["cursor"]
cursorId := results["id"]
firstBat := results["firstBatch"]
return conMgr.leaseConnection |con->Obj?| {
cursor := Cursor(con, namespace, cmd.query, cursorId, firstBat)
try {
return func(cursor)
} finally {
// ---- Indexes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Returns all the index names of this collection.
Str[] indexNames() {
res := cmd.add("listIndexes", name).run
nfo := ([Str:Obj?][]) res["cursor"]->get("firstBatch")
return |i->Str| { i["name"] }
** Returns an 'Index' of the given name.
** Note this just instantiates the Fantom object, it does not create anything in the database.
Index index(Str indexName) {
Index(conMgr, namespace, indexName)
** Drops ALL indexes on the collection. *Be careful!*
** @see ``
This dropAllIndexes() {
cmd.add("dropIndexes", name).add("index", "*").run
// [nIndexesWas:2, ok:1.0]
return this
// ---- Misc Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Runs an arbitrary command against this 'Collection'.
** Example, to return the size of the collection:
** size := runCmd(
** ["count" : "<collectionName>"]
** )["n"]->toInt
** *This is a low level operation.*
** See ``
Str:Obj? runCmd(Str:Obj? query) {
// ---- Obj Overrides -------------------------------------------------------------------------
override Str toStr() {
// ---- Private Methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------
private Cmd cmd(Str? action := null) {
Cmd(conMgr, namespace, action)