Json 2.0.14
A JSON to Fantom object mapping library

Json is a customisable Fantom to Javascript Object Notation (JSON) mapping library.

It goes far beyond the usual JsonInStream and JsonOutStream classes by mapping and instantiating fully fledged Fantom domain objects.


  • Converts all core Fantom types
  • Converts nested / embedded objects
  • Runs on Javascript platforms
  • Simple to use
  • JSON pretty printing

Just annotate fields with @JsonProperty then call fromJson(...) and toJson(...) - couldn't be easier!



To install Json with Fantom Pod Manager, cut'n'paste the following into a cmd prompt, terminal or shell:

Or to install Json with the Fantom Repository Manager (fanr), cut'n'paste the following into a cmd prompt, terminal or shell:

Or to install manually, download the pod file and copy it to the %FAN_HOME%/lib/fan/ directory.

afJson.pod (122.06 kB)


To use Json in a Fantom project, add a dependency to the project's build.fan:

depends = ["sys 1.0", ..., "afJson 2.0.14 - 2.0"]



Meta information on the Json pod:

Published by
Steve Eynon
Fantom-Factory Ltd
Pod file size
122.06 kB
Built on
14th Oct 2022
Source code
via Git at https://github.com/Fantom-Factory/afJson
Depends on
afBeanUtils, afConcurrent, sys
Referenced by
Javascript Compatible

Dependency Graph

  Use mouse to re-position pods

Release History

There have been 13 releases of Json: