using afBeanUtils

** A Fancordion Skin for [Bootswatch]`` themes.
** Bundled Bootswatch skins are:
**  - Cerulean
**  - Cosmo
**  - Cyborg
**  - Darkly
**  - Flatly
**  - Journal
**  - Lumen
**  - Paper
**  - Readable
**  - Sandstone 
**  - Simplex
**  - Slate
**  - Spacelab
**  - Superhero
**  - United
**  - Yeti
** Use the above name when creating a 'Bootswatch' skin, example:
**   syntax: fantom
**   skin := BootswatchSkin("Darkly")
** To use a 'Bootswatch' skin, set the 'gimmeSomeSkin' function on [FancordionRunner]`afFancordion::FancordionRunner`:
**   syntax: fantom
**   using afFancordion
**   using afFancordionBootstrap
**   ** My Bootswatch Fixture
**   class BootswatchFixture : FixtureTest {
**       override FancordionRunner fancordionRunner() {
**           FancordionRunner() {
**               it.gimmeSomeSkin = |->FancordionSkin| {
**                   BootswatchSkin("Cyborg")
**               } 
**           }
**       }
**       ...
**   }
class BootswatchSkin : BootstrapSkin {

    ** The name of the Bootswatch skin.
    Str skinName
    ** Creates a Bootswatch skin of the given name.
    new make(Str skinName) : super(false) {
        this.skinName = skinName
        if (this.typeof.pod.file(bootstrapCssUri, false)?.exists?.not ?: true) {
            skins := this.typeof.pod.files.findAll { it.path.getSafe(2)?.lower == "bootswatch"}.map {[0..<-8].capitalize }
            err:= ArgNotFoundErr("Could not find Bootswatch skin '${skinName}'", skins)
            throw err
    ** Returns the location of the Bootswatch CSS file.
    override Uri bootstrapCssUri() {