using afIoc
using gfx
using fwt

** Resources are navigatable objects that may be represented by an URI.
** For example, the Explorer application has a 'FileResource' and a 'HttpResource'.
mixin Resource {

    ** The URI that equates to this resource.
    abstract Uri uri()

    ** A short human readable name for this resource - does not need to be unique.
    ** 'name' is typically displayed in tabs and tables.
    abstract Str name()

    ** An (optional) icon that represents this resource.
    virtual Image? icon() { null }

    ** A display name for the resource.
    ** File resources may show their OS specific variant rather than Fantom's canonical URI form.
    ** The display name is displayed in the address bar.
    ** Defaults to 'uri.toStr'.
    virtual Str displayName() {

    ** By populating an existing menu, it allows Panels to create the initial menu.
    virtual Menu populatePopup(Menu menu) { menu }

    ** Return child resources. Used by 'ResourceTree'.
    ** The returned strings should be resolvable by 'Reflux'.  
    ** Defaults to empty list.
    virtual Uri[] children() { Uri#.emptyList }

    ** Override to manually resolve children. 
    ** Do this if you have cached values for the children, or want to override with a 'once' method.
    ** If 'null' is returned, the child is resolved through Reflux.
    ** Overriding this method is an optional optimisation hook.
    virtual Resource? resolveChild(Uri childUri) { null }

    ** Override to manually resolve the parent. 
    ** Do this if you have a cached value, or want to override with a 'once' method.
    ** If 'null' is returned, the parent is resolved through Reflux.
    ** Overriding this method is an optional optimisation hook.
    virtual Resource? resolveParent() { null }

    ** Return the parent resource. Root resources should return 'null'. 
    ** The returned string should be resolvable by 'Reflux'.  
    ** Used by 'ResourceTree'.
    ** Defaults to 'null'.
    virtual Uri? parent() { null }
    ** If generating child resources is in-efficient, override this method for optimisation.   
    ** Defaults to 'children.size > 0'. 
    virtual Bool hasChildren() { children.size > 0 }
    ** The Views that may display this resource.
    ** Defaults to empty list.
    virtual Type[] viewTypes() { Type#.emptyList }

    ** Compares the resource URIs (minus any frags).
    override Bool equals(Obj? that) {
        Url(uri).minusFrag == Url((that as Resource)?.uri).minusFrag

    ** Returns a hash of the resource URI (minus any frag).
    override Int hash() {

    ** Returns a comparison of the resource URIs (minus any frags).
    override Int compare(Obj that) {
        uri <=> (that as Resource)?.uri

    override Str toStr() { uri.toStr }