A framework and IoC container for creating FWT applications
Errors | (Service) - Maintains a list of errors incurred by the application. |
EventHub | (Service) - An eventing strategy for Reflux Apps. |
GlobalCommands | (Service) - Maintains and provides access to |
History | (Service) - Maintains a history of View URIs. |
Images | (Service) - Maintains a cache of Images, ensuring they are disposed of properly. |
LocaleFormat | (Service) - Subclass to customise how dates and numbers are displayed in Reflux. |
Preferences | (Service) - Loads / saves and maintains a cache of preference objects. |
Reflux | (Service) - The main API for managing a Reflux application. |
RefluxEvents | (Events) - Events raised by Reflux. |
Resource | Resources are navigatable objects that may be represented by an URI. |
ResourceTableModel | A model to customise the look of a |
ResourceTreeModel | A model to customise the look of a |
Session | (Service) - A general dumping ground for data to be saved between applications. |
UriResolver | Implement to resolve URIs to a |
Browser | (Widget) - A HTML and web browser widget. |
CTab | (Widget) - The child widget for |
CTabPane | (Widget) - A container for |
Error | Represents an |
GlobalCommand | Reusable commands that may be contextually enabled by Views and Panels. |
LoadCtx | Contextual data for loading |
Panel | Panels are widget panes that decorate the edges of the main window. |
ProgressDialogue | (Widget) - A dialogue window that displays an updatable progress bar. |
ProgressWorker | Used by ProgressDialogues to update the progress bar. |
RefluxBuilder | Use to build and launch a Reflux application. |
RefluxCommand | Extends FWT |
RefluxModule | The IoC Module definition for Reflux. |
ResourceTable | (Widget) - A table widget that displays |
ResourceTree | (Widget) - A tree widget that displays |
View | Views are |