const classafParrotSdk2::NetworkConfig
sys::Obj afParrotSdk2::NetworkConfig
Default network configuration when communicating with the drone.
- actionTimeout
const Duration actionTimeout := 10sec
The timeout used when waiting for actions to complete, such as
.- cmdInterval
const Duration cmdInterval := 25ms
The interval to wait in between sending repeated commands to the drone, such as
.- cmdPort
const Int cmdPort := 5556
The UDP port that Command packets are transmitted on.
- configCmdAckClearTimeout
const Duration configCmdAckClearTimeout := 1sec
The timeout used when waiting for the config command acknowledgement flag to clear. See
.- configCmdAckTimeout
const Duration configCmdAckTimeout := 1sec
The timeout used when waiting for a config command acknowledgement. See
.- controlPort
const Int controlPort := 5559
The port that TCP config data is received on.
- droneIpAddr
const IpAddr droneIpAddr := IpAddr.<ctor>("")
The drone's IP address.
- ftpConnectTimeout
const Duration ftpConnectTimeout := 2sec
The timeout used when waiting to receive data on a FTP port.
- ftpPort
const Int ftpPort := 5551
Used to retrieve
on drone connect.- ftpReceiveTimeout
const Duration ftpReceiveTimeout := 2sec
The timeout used when waiting to receive data on a TCP port.
- make
new make(|This? f := null)
Standard it-block ctor should you wish to change any config.
config := DroneConfig { it.droneIpAddr = "" }
const Int navDataPort := 5554
The UDP port that NavData packets are received on.
- tcpConnectTimeout
const Duration tcpConnectTimeout := 2sec
The timeout used when opening a TCP connection.
- tcpReceiveTimeout
const Duration tcpReceiveTimeout := 2sec
The timeout used when waiting to receive data on a TCP port.
- udpReceiveTimeout
const Duration udpReceiveTimeout := 1sec
The timeout used when waiting to receive data on a UDP port.
- videoPort
const Int videoPort := 5555
The TCP port that Video data is streamed over.
- videoRecPort
const Int videoRecPort := 5553
The TCP port that Record Video is streamed over.