const classafParrotSdk2::NavOptionDemo
sys::Obj afParrotSdk2::NavOptionDemo
Standard telemetry data returned by the drone.
- altitude
const Float altitude
Altitude in metres
- batteryPercentage
const Int batteryPercentage
Battery voltage filtered (mV)
- cameraDetectionParams
const Str:Obj cameraDetectionParams
(Deprecated) Camera parameters computed by detection
- cameraDroneParams
const Str:Obj cameraDroneParams
(Deprecated) Camera parameters computed by drone
- droneState
const DroneState droneState
Fly State
- dump
Str dump(Bool dumpToStdOut := true)
Dumps all fields to debug string.
- flightState
const FlightState flightState
Control State
- frameIndex
const Int frameIndex
Streamed frame index. Not used -> To integrate in video stage.
- phi
const Float phi
Roll in milli-degrees
- psi
const Float psi
Yaw in degrees, -180..180
- theta
const Float theta
Pitch in milli-degrees
- velocityX
const Float velocityX
Estimated linear velocity
- velocityY
const Float velocityY
Estimated linear velocity
- velocityZ
const Float velocityZ
Estimated linear velocity