using web::WebReq
using web::WebRes

** The main 'WebSocket' class as defined by the [W3C WebSocket API]``. 
** Sample client usage:
** -------------------
** pre>
** syntax: fantom 
** webSock := WebSocket()
** webSock.onMessage |MsgEvent e| { ... }
** <pre
** Sample BedSheet server usage:
** ----------------------------
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** WebSocket serviceWs() { 
**     webSock := WebSocket()
**     webSock.onMessage |MsgEvent e| { ... }
**     return webSock
** }
** <pre
** Note that all returned 'WebSocket' instances are available from the 'WebSockets' service for future use.
** Sample WebMod server usage.  
** --------------------------
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** Void serviceWs() { 
**     webSock := WebSocket()
**     webSock.onMessage |MsgEvent e| { ... }
**     webSock.upgrade(req, res)
** }
** <pre
abstract class WebSocket {
    ** A unique ID for this 'WebSocket' instance. Use to retrieve instances from 'WebSockets'.
    abstract Uri id()

    ** The URL this WebSocket is connected to. Only available after calling 'open()' or 'upgrade()'.
    abstract Uri url()
    ** Returns the state of the connection.
    abstract ReadyState readyState()

    ** The number of bytes that have been queued using 'sendXXXX()' but have not yet been 
    ** transmitted to the network.
    ** This amount does not include framing overhead incurred by the protocol.
    ** If the connection is closed, this attribute's value will only increase with each call to the 
    ** 'sendXXXX()' method (the number does not reset to zero once the connection closes).
    abstract Int bufferedAmount()

    ** A list of regex globs that are matched against incoming requests. 
    ** Only used by 'upgrade()' and is ignored by client WebSocket instances.
    ** A 'null' value indicated that *all* origins are accepted. (Unsafe!)  
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   webSock := WebSocket()
    **   webSock.allowedOrigins = ["http://localhost:8069", "http://example.*"]
    Str[]?          allowedOrigins
    ** Hook for when the WebSocket is connected. 
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   webSock := WebSocket()
    **   webSock.onOpen = |->| {
    **       echo("WebSocket open for business!")
    **   }
    |->|?           onOpen
    ** Hook for when a message is received.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   webSock := WebSocket()
    **   webSock.onMessage = |MsgEvent me| {
    **       echo("WebSocket message: $me.txt")
    **   }
    |MsgEvent|?     onMessage
    ** Hook for when an error occurs. 
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   webSock := WebSocket()
    **   webSock.onError = |Err err| {
    **       echo("WebSocket error - $err")
    **   }
    |Err|?          onError
    ** Hook for when an WebSocket closes. 
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   webSock := WebSocket()
    **   webSock.onClose = |CloseEvent ce| {
    **       echo("WebSocket closed")
    **   }
    |CloseEvent|?   onClose

    protected new makeDefault(Obj? secretValue) { /* secretValue does nothing except help distinguish between the 2 ctors */ }
    ** Creates a 'WebSocket' instance based the current runtime. (Fantom vs Javascript) 
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   webSock := WebSocket.create()
    static new make() {
        Env.cur.runtime == "js" ? WebSocketJs() : WebSocketFan()

    ** Opens a HTTP connection to the given URL and upgrades the connection to a WebSocket.
    ** All URLs should have either a 'ws' or 'wss' scheme. 
    ** Usage designates this 'WebSocket' instance as a client.
    ** Throws 'IOErr' on handshake errors.
    abstract This open(Uri url, Str[]? protocols := null)

    ** Upgrades the given HTTP connection ([WebReq]`web::WebReq` and [WebRes]`web::WebRes`) to a WebSocket connection.
    ** If 'commit' is 'true' (default) then headers are flushed to the client, committing the response. 
    ** If 'false' then you must subsequently call 'WebRes.upgrade()'.
    ** Server side usage only. Returns 'TcpSocket'.
    ** Throws 'IOErr' on handshake errors.
    abstract Obj upgrade(Obj webReq, Obj webRes, Bool commit := true)
    ** Enters a WebSocket read / event loop that blocks the current thread until the WebSocket is closed.
    ** This method does nothing when called from a Javascript runtime.
    abstract Void read()

    ** Transmits text through the WebSocket connection.
    abstract Void sendText(Str data)

    ** Transmits binary data through the WebSocket connection.
    abstract Void sendBinary(Buf data)
    ** Closes the WebSocket connection.
    ** Does nothing if the connection is already closed or closing.
    ** The close code defaults to '1000 - Normal Closure' - see [RFC 6455 sec. 7.4.1]`` 
    ** for a list of valid close codes.
    abstract Void close(Int? code := 1000, Str? reason := null) 

** The state of the WebSocket connection.
enum class ReadyState {
    ** The connection has not yet been established.
    ** The WebSocket connection is established and communication is possible.
    ** The connection is going through the closing handshake.
    ** The connection has been closed or could not be opened.