using gfx::Color

** 256 ANSI colour palette. Palettes are provided for:
**  - VGA
**  - Windows XP
**  - Mac OS X
**  - PuTTY
**  - Xterm
** All colours taken from [Wikipedia]``.
const class AnsiPalette {
    private static Color[] paletteVga() {
            Color.makeRgb(  0,   0,   0),   // black
            Color.makeRgb(170,   0,   0),   // red
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 170,   0),   // green
            Color.makeRgb(170,  85,   0),   // brown/yellow
            Color.makeRgb(  0,  0,  170),   // blue
            Color.makeRgb(170,  0,  170),   // magenta
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 170, 170),   // cyan
            Color.makeRgb(170, 170, 170),   // grey
            Color.makeRgb( 85,  85,  85),   // dark grey
            Color.makeRgb(255,  85,  85),   // bright red
            Color.makeRgb( 85, 255,  85),   // bright green
            Color.makeRgb(255, 255,  85),   // yellow
            Color.makeRgb( 85,  85, 255),   // bright blue
            Color.makeRgb(255,  85, 255),   // bright magenta
            Color.makeRgb( 85, 255, 255),   // bright cyan
            Color.makeRgb(255, 255, 255)    // white

    private static Color[] paletteXp() {
            Color.makeRgb(  0,   0,   0),   // black
            Color.makeRgb(128,   0,   0),   // red
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 128,   0),   // green
            Color.makeRgb(128, 128,   0),   // brown/yellow
            Color.makeRgb(  0,   0, 128),   // blue
            Color.makeRgb(128,   0, 128),   // magenta
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 128, 128),   // cyan
            Color.makeRgb(192, 192, 192),   // grey
            Color.makeRgb(128, 128, 128),   // dark grey
            Color.makeRgb(255,   0,   0),   // bright red
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 255,   0),   // bright green
            Color.makeRgb(255, 255,   0),   // yellow
            Color.makeRgb(  0,   0, 255),   // bright blue
            Color.makeRgb(255,   0, 255),   // bright magenta
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 255, 255),   // bright cyan
            Color.makeRgb(255, 255, 255)    // white

    private static Color[] paletteMac() {
            Color.makeRgb(  0,   0,   0),   // black
            Color.makeRgb(194,  54,  33),   // red
            Color.makeRgb( 37, 188,  36),   // green
            Color.makeRgb(173, 173,  39),   // brown/yellow
            Color.makeRgb( 73,  46, 225),   // blue
            Color.makeRgb(211,  56, 211),   // magenta
            Color.makeRgb( 51, 187, 200),   // cyan
            Color.makeRgb(203, 204, 205),   // grey
            Color.makeRgb(129, 131, 131),   // dark grey
            Color.makeRgb(252,  57,  31),   // bright red
            Color.makeRgb( 49, 231,  34),   // bright green
            Color.makeRgb(234, 236,  35),   // yellow
            Color.makeRgb( 88,  51, 255),   // bright blue
            Color.makeRgb(249,  53, 248),   // bright magenta
            Color.makeRgb( 20, 240, 240),   // bright cyan
            Color.makeRgb(233, 235, 235)    // white

    private static Color[] palettePutty() {
            Color.makeRgb(  0,   0,   0),   // black
            Color.makeRgb(187,   0,   0),   // red
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 187,   0),   // green
            Color.makeRgb(187, 187,   0),   // brown/yellow
            Color.makeRgb(  0,   0, 187),   // blue
            Color.makeRgb(187,   0, 187),   // magenta
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 187, 187),   // cyan
            Color.makeRgb(187, 187, 187),   // grey
            Color.makeRgb( 85,  85,  85),   // dark grey
            Color.makeRgb(255,  85,  85),   // bright red
            Color.makeRgb( 85, 255,  85),   // bright green
            Color.makeRgb(255, 255,  85),   // yellow
            Color.makeRgb( 85,  85, 255),   // bright blue
            Color.makeRgb(255,  85, 255),   // bright magenta
            Color.makeRgb( 85, 255, 255),   // bright cyan
            Color.makeRgb(255, 255, 255)    // white

    private static Color[] paletteXterm() {
            Color.makeRgb(  0,   0,   0),   // black
            Color.makeRgb(205,   0,   0),   // red
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 205,   0),   // green
            Color.makeRgb(205, 205,   0),   // brown/yellow
            Color.makeRgb(  0,   0, 238),   // blue
            Color.makeRgb(205,   0, 205),   // magenta
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 205, 205),   // cyan
            Color.makeRgb(229, 229, 229),   // grey
            Color.makeRgb(127, 127, 127),   // dark grey
            Color.makeRgb(255,   0,   0),   // bright red
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 255,   0),   // bright green
            Color.makeRgb(255, 255,   0),   // yellow
            Color.makeRgb(  92, 92, 255),   // bright blue
            Color.makeRgb(255,   0, 255),   // bright magenta
            Color.makeRgb(  0, 255, 255),   // bright cyan
            Color.makeRgb(255, 255, 255)    // white

    private const Color?[]  palette

    ** Selects the palette according to your OS:
    **  - XP for Windows, 
    **  - Mac for sad people, 
    **  - XTerm for everyone else.
    static new make() {
        if (Env.cur.os == "win32")
            return AnsiPalette(paletteXp)
        if (Env.cur.os == "macosx")
            return AnsiPalette(paletteMac)
        return AnsiPalette(paletteXterm)

    ** Creates a standard VGA palette.
    static AnsiPalette vga() {

    ** Creates an XP CMD prompt palette.
    static AnsiPalette xp() {

    ** Creates a Mac Terminal palette.
    static AnsiPalette mac() {

    ** Creates a Putty palette.
    static AnsiPalette putty() {

    ** Creates an XTerm palette.
    static AnsiPalette xterm() {

    private static const Int[] _safeVals := [0x00, 0x33, 0x66, 0x99, 0xCC, 0xFF]

    private new makeWithPalette(Color[] palette) {
        if (palette.size < 16)
            throw ArgErr("Palette size too small: ${palette.size}")

//      echo("----")
        palette =
        palette.capacity = 256
        // 6x6x6 color matrix
        (16..231).each |i| {
            color   := i - 16
            blue    := _safeVals[color % 6]
            color    = color / 6
            green   := _safeVals[color % 6]
            color    = color / 6
            red     := _safeVals[color % 6]
//          echo("$i - ${Color.makeRgb(red, green, blue)}".upper)
            palette.add(Color.makeRgb(red, green, blue))

//      echo("----")
        // greyscale
        (232..255).each |i| {
            // add the 5 offset so the min is #555555 and the max is #FAFAFA
            // user can then use std black and white to give a 26 colour greyscale 
            grey := ((i - 232) * 256 / 24) + 5
//          echo("$i - ${Color.makeRgb(grey, grey, grey)}".upper)
            palette.add(Color.makeRgb(grey, grey, grey))

        this.palette = palette
    ** Gets the colour associated with the given index.
    ** 'index' should be in the range of 0..255
    Color get(Int index) {
    ** Converts the given colour to its nearest in the palette.
    Color safe(Color col) {
        err  := |Color c1, Color c2 -> Int| { safeErr(c1, col) <=> safeErr(c2, col) }
        std  := (0..15) { palette[it] }.min(err)
        cube := Color.makeRgb(safeVal(col.r), safeVal(col.g), safeVal(col.b))
        grey := (232..255) { palette[it] }.min(err)
        return [std, cube, grey].min(err)

    ** Returns the palette index of the given colour. 
    ** Note the colour is first converted to a *safe* colour to ensure this method 
    ** always returns a value.
    Int index(Color colour) {
    private Int safeErr(Color c1, Color c2) {
        (c1.r - c2.r).abs + (c1.g - c2.g).abs + (c1.b - c2.b).abs

    private Int safeVal(Int v) {
        _safeVals.min |p1, p2| { (p1 - v).abs <=> (p2 - v).abs }