using afIoc
using gfx::Image
using concurrent::Actor

** (Service) - 
** Maintains a cache of Images, ensuring they are disposed of properly. 
mixin Images {
    ** Returns the image at the given URI, storing it in the cache. 
    abstract Image? get(Uri uri, Bool checked := true)

    ** Returns (and caches) a faded version of the image at the given URI.
    ** Useful for generating *disabled* icons. 
    abstract Image? getFaded(Uri uri, Bool checked := true)

    ** Returns (and caches) the image at the given URI ensuring that it is fully loaded and that 
    ** its 'size()' is available.
    abstract Image? load(Uri uri, Bool checked := true)

    ** Disposes of all the images. This is called on registry shutdown. 
    ** The 'AppModule' config key is 'afReflux.disposeOfImages'.
    abstract Void disposeAll()

@NoDoc  // so maxLoadTime may be overridden
class ImagesImpl : Images {
    private Uri:Image   images      := Uri:Image[:]
    private Uri:Image   fadedImages := Uri:Image[:]
    private Image[]     extra       := Image[,]

            Duration maxLoadTime    := 200ms
    new make(|This| in) { in(this) }

    override Image? get(Uri uri, Bool checked := true) {
        if (images.containsKey(uri))
            return images[uri]
        image := Image.make(uri, checked)
        if (image != null)
            images[uri] = image

        return image
    override Image? getFaded(Uri uri, Bool checked := true) {
        fadedImages.getOrAdd(uri) |->Image| {
            image := load(uri, checked)
            return Image.makePainted(image.size) |gfx| {
                gfx.alpha = 128
                gfx.antialias = false
                gfx.drawImage(image, 0, 0)
    override Image? load(Uri uri, Bool checked := true) {
        image := get(uri, checked)

        napTime := 0sec
        while (napTime < maxLoadTime && (image.size.w == 0 || image.size.h == 0)) {
            napTime += 20ms
        if (image.size.w == 0 || image.size.h == 0)
            throw Err("Loading image `${uri}` took too long... (>${maxLoadTime.toLocale})")
        return image

    override Void disposeAll() {
        images.vals.each { it.dispose }
        extra.each { it.dispose }