** (Events) -
** Events raised by Reflux.
** To handle these events, just implement this mixin and override the methods you want!
** You also need to registry yourself with the 'EventHub'. You can do this in the ctor:
**   syntax: fantom
**   class MyService : RefluxEvents {
**       new make(EventHub eventHub) {
**           eventHub.register(this)
**       }
**       override Void onLoad(Resource resource) { ... }
**   }
** Note that instances of 'Panels', 'Views' and 'GlobalCommands' are automatically added 
** to 'EventHub' by default. 
mixin RefluxEvents {
    virtual Void onLoadSession(Str:Obj? session) { }
    virtual Void onSaveSession(Str:Obj? session) { }
    virtual Void onLoad(Resource resource)  { }

    virtual Void onRefresh(Resource? resource)  { }
    virtual Void onError(Error error)   { }

    virtual Void onPanelShown       (Panel panel) { }
    virtual Void onPanelHidden      (Panel panel) { }
    virtual Void onPanelActivated   (Panel panel) { }
    virtual Void onPanelDeactivated (Panel panel) { }
    virtual Void onPanelModified    (Panel panel) { }

    virtual Void onViewShown        (View view) { }
    virtual Void onViewHidden       (View view) { }
    virtual Void onViewActivated    (View view) { }
    virtual Void onViewDeactivated  (View view) { } 
    virtual Void onViewModified     (View view) { } // usually when the name / icon / dirty has changed