using afIoc
using gfx
using fwt

** Reusable commands that may be contextually enabled by Views and Panels.
** 'GlobalCommands' must be *autobuilt* by IoC. 
** Contribute 'GlobalCommand' instances to the 'GlobalCommands' service in your 'AppModule':
**   syntax: fantom
**   @Contribute { serviceType=GlobalCommands# }
**   static Void contributeGlobalCommands(Configuration config) {
**       config["myGlobCmd"] = config.autobuild(MyGlobalCommand#)
**   }
** Use the contribution Id to access the command in the 'GlobalCommands' service:
**   syntax: fantom
**   globalCommands.get("myGlobCmd")
**   globalCommands["myGlobCmd"]
** 'GlobalCommands' are disabled by default. To enable, add an enabler function or enable the fwt command directly. 
** 'GlobalCommands' are automatically added to the 'EventHub', so to receive events they only need to implement the required event mixin.
** Reflux defines the following 'GlobalCommands':
**  - 'afReflux.cmdAbout'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdCopy'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdCut'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdExit'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdNavBackward'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdNavClear'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdNavForward'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdNavHome'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdNavUp'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdNew'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdPaste'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdRedo'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdRefresh'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdSave'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdSaveAll'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdSaveAs'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdToggleView'
**  - 'afReflux.cmdUndo'
class GlobalCommand {
    @Inject private RefluxIcons     _refluxIcons
    @Inject private Registry        _registry
    @Inject private EventHub        _eventHub
            private Str:|Event?|    _invokers   := Str:|Event?|[:]
            private Str:|->Bool|    _enablers   := Str:|->Bool|[:]
            private Str             _baseName
            private Bool            _initialised:= false
    ** The wrapped command.
    RefluxCommand   command

    ** Creates a global command. The base name is used as a localisation key.
    new make(Str baseName, |This|in) {
        _baseName = baseName
        _eventHub.register(this, false)

        podd := + "."
        base := baseName.startsWith(podd) ? baseName[podd.size..-1] : baseName
        name := (base.startsWith("cmd") ? base["cmd".size..-1] : base).toDisplayName
        icon := _refluxIcons.get(base, false)
        command = _registry.autobuild(RefluxCommand#, [name, icon, |Event? event| { doInvoke(event) } ])
        command.localise(this.typeof.pod, baseName)
        command.enabled = false // use enablers to switch command on
        _initialised = true

    ** Callback for subclasses. 
    virtual Void doInvoke(Event? event) { }
    ** Adds a function to be executed when the command is invoked.
    Void addInvoker(Str listenerId, |Event?| listener) {
        _invokers[listenerId] = listener

    ** Removes the specified invoker function.
    Void removeInvoker(Str listenerId) {
        listener := _invokers.remove(listenerId)
        // the user may be over zealous and try to remove the istener twice
        if (listener != null)

    ** Adds a function that helps decide if the underlying command should be enabled or not.
    ** If 'update' if 'true' then the underlying command is updated.
    ** Defaults to 'true'.
    ** Sometimes an enabler function gives undesirable results (such as IoC recursion errs) when added from a ctor. 
    ** If this happens, try setting 'update' to false.  
    Void addEnabler(Str listenerId, |->Bool| listener, Bool update := true) {
        _enablers[listenerId] = listener
        if (update)

    ** Removes the specified enabler function.
    Void removeEnabler(Str listenerId) {
        listener := _enablers.remove(listenerId)
    ** Returns if this command is currently enabled or not. 
    ** A 'GlobalCommand' is enabled if any enabler function returns true.
    Bool enabled {
        // use initialised 'cos IoC reads this to see if it's null
        get { _initialised ? _enablers.any { } : false }
        private set { }
    ** Enables / disables the underlying fwt command based on the 'enabled' property.
    virtual Void update() {
        command.enabled = enabled