using concurrent
using afBeanUtils::BeanFactory
using afBeanUtils::ReflectUtils

** Models a Fantom class.
** If not defined already, types are generated with a standard it-block ctor:
**   syntax: fantom
**   new make(|This|? f := null) { f?.call(this) }
** All added fields and methods will be public. As you will never compile against the generated 
** code, this should not be problematic.
// Class Model is correct, to be paired with MixinModel!
class PlasticClassModel {
    ** Set to 'true' if this class is 'const'
    const Bool          isConst

    ** The name of the class.
    const Str           className
    ** The superclass type.
    Type                superClass  := Obj#     { private set }

    ** A list of mixin types the model extends. 
    Type[]              mixins      := [,]      { private set } // for user info only

    PlasticUsingModel[]     usings  { private set }
    PlasticFacetModel[]     facets  { private set }
    PlasticFieldModel[]     fields  { private set }
    PlasticMethodModel[]    methods { private set }
    PlasticCtorModel[]      ctors   { private set } 

    private Type[]          extends() {
    ** Creates a class model with the given name. 
    new make(Str className, Bool isConst) {
        this.isConst    = isConst
        this.className  = className
        this.usings     = [,]
        this.facets     = [,]
        this.fields     = [,]
        this.methods    = [,]
        this.ctors      = [,]

    ** 'use' the given pod.
    This usingPod(Pod pod) {
        return this

    ** 'use' the given type.
    This usingType(Type type, Str? usingAs := null) {
        usings.add(PlasticUsingModel(type, usingAs))
        return this

    ** 'use' the given Str, should not start with using.
    This usingStr(Str usingStr) {
        return this

    PlasticFacetModel addFacet(Type type, Str:Str params := [:]) {
        facetModel := PlasticFacetModel(type, params)
        return facetModel
    This addFacetClone(Facet toClone) {
        return this

    ** Extends the given type; be it a class or a mixin.
    ** If 'type' is a class, it is set as the superclass, if it is a mixin, it is extended.
    ** If this model is const, then the given type must be const also.
    ** The type must be public.
    This extend(Type type) {
        if (isConst && !type.isConst)
            throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.constTypeCannotSubclassNonConstType(className, type))
        if (!isConst && type.isConst)
            throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.nonConstTypeCannotSubclassConstType(className, type))
        if (type.isInternal)
            throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.superTypesMustBePublic(className, type))
        if (type.isClass) {
            superClass = type

        if (type.isMixin) {
            // need to be clever about what mixin we add
            // see
            if (mixins.any { it.fits(type) })
                return this
            mixins := this.mixins.exclude { type.fits(it) }
            this.mixins = mixins.unique         
        return this 

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use extend() instead" }
    This extendClass(Type classType) {

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use extend() instead" }
    This extendMixin(Type mixinType) {

    ** Add a field.
    ** 'getBody' and 'setBody' are code blocks to be used in the 'get' and 'set' accessors.
    PlasticFieldModel addField(Type fieldType, Str fieldName, Str? getBody := null, Str? setBody := null) {
        // synthetic fields may be non-const - how do we check if field is synthetic?
//      if (isConst && !fieldType.isConst)
//          throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.constTypesMustHaveConstFields(className, fieldType, fieldName))

        fieldModel := PlasticFieldModel(false, PlasticVisibility.visPublic, isConst, fieldType, fieldName, getBody, setBody)
        return fieldModel

    ** Override a field. 
    ** The given field must exist in a super class / mixin.
    ** 'getBody' and 'setBody' are code blocks to be used in the 'get' and 'set' accessors.
    PlasticFieldModel overrideField(Field field, Str? getBody := null, Str? setBody := null) {
        if (!extends.any { it.fits(field.parent) })
            throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.overrideFieldDoesNotBelongToSuperType(field, extends))
        if (field.isPrivate || field.isInternal)
            throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.overrideFieldHasWrongScope(field))
        fieldModel := PlasticFieldModel(true, PlasticVisibility.visPublic, field.isConst, field.type,, getBody, setBody)
        return fieldModel
    ** Returns 'true' if this model has a field with the given name.
    Bool hasField(Str name) {
        fields.any { == name }

    ** Add a method.
    ** 'signature' does not include (brackets).
    ** 'body' does not include {braces}
    PlasticMethodModel addMethod(Type returnType, Str methodName, Str signature, Str body) {
        methodModel := PlasticMethodModel(false, PlasticVisibility.visPublic, returnType, methodName, signature, body)
        return methodModel

    ** Override a method.
    ** The given method must exist in a super class / mixin.
    ** 'body' does not include {braces}
    PlasticMethodModel overrideMethod(Method method, Str body) {
        if (!extends.any { it.fits(method.parent) })
            throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.overrideMethodDoesNotBelongToSuperType(method, extends))
        if (method.isPrivate || method.isInternal)
            throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.overrideMethodHasWrongScope(method))
        if (!method.isVirtual)
            throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.overrideMethodsMustBeVirtual(method))
        params := |param->Str| {
            pSig := "${param.type.signature} ${}"
            if (param.hasDefault) {
                def := guessDefault(method, param)
                if (def == null)
                    throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.overrideMethodsCanNotHaveDefaultValues(method, param))
                pSig += " := ${def}"
            return pSig
        methodModel := PlasticMethodModel(true, PlasticVisibility.visPublic, method.returns,, params.join(", "), body)
        return methodModel

    ** Add a ctor.
    ** 'signature' does not include (brackets).
    ** 'body' does not include {braces}
    ** 'superCtor' is the entire expression, 'super.make(in)'
    PlasticCtorModel addCtor(Str ctorName, Str signature, Str body, Str? superCtor := null) {
        ctorModel := PlasticCtorModel(PlasticVisibility.visPublic, ctorName, signature, body, superCtor)
        return ctorModel

    ** Override a ctor
    ** The given ctor method must exist in a super class / mixin.
    ** 'body' does not include {braces}
    PlasticCtorModel overrideCtor(Method ctor, Str body) {
        if (!extends.any { it.fits(ctor.parent) })
            throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.overrideMethodDoesNotBelongToSuperType(ctor, extends))
        if (ctor.isPrivate || ctor.isInternal)
            throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.overrideMethodHasWrongScope(ctor))
        params := |param->Str| {
            pSig := "${param.type.signature} ${}"
            if (param.hasDefault) {
                def := guessDefault(ctor, param)
                if (def == null)
                    throw PlasticErr(PlasticMsgs.overrideMethodsCanNotHaveDefaultValues(ctor, param))
                pSig += " := ${def}"
            return pSig
        paramSig := params.join(", ")
        paramNom := { }.join(", ")
        ctorModel := PlasticCtorModel(PlasticVisibility.visPublic,, paramSig, body, "super.${}(${paramNom})")
        return ctorModel
    ** Converts the model into Fantom source code.
    ** All types are generated with a standard serialisation ctor:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   new make(|This|? f := null) { f?.call(this) }
    Str toFantomCode() {
        typeCache := TypeCache()

        // add a useful default ctor if it doesn't exist
        if (ctors.any { == "make" }.not)
            addCtor("make", "|This|? f := null", "f?.call(this)")
        code := ""

        facets.each { code += it.toFantomCode }
        constKeyword    := isConst ? "const " : ""
        extendsKeyword  := extends.exclude { it == Obj#}.isEmpty ? "" : " : " + extends.unique.exclude { it == Obj#}.map { it.qname }.join(", ") 
        code += "${constKeyword}class ${className}${extendsKeyword} {\n\n"
            fields  .each { code += it.toFantomCode(typeCache) }
            ctors   .each { code += it.toFantomCode }
            methods .each { code += it.toFantomCode(typeCache) }
        code += "}\n"

        useStr := ""
        usings.unique.each { useStr += it.toFantomCode }
        useStr += "\n"

        code = useStr + code
        return code
    internal Str? guessDefault(Method method, Param param) {
        if (method.isStatic || method.isCtor)
            try {
                // new in Fantom 1.0.68 !!!
                def := method.paramDef(param)
                if (def != null) {
                    toCode := ReflectUtils.findMethod(param.type, "toCode", null, false, Str#)
                    if (toCode != null)
                        return toCode.callOn(def, null)
                    if (def.typeof.hasFacet(Serializable#)) {
                        sBuf := StrBuf()
                        return sBuf.toStr
            } catch (Err e) { /* meh */ }
        // Special case for Bool checked
        if (param.type == Bool# &&"checked"))
            return true.toStr
        try {
            // nullable values
            defVal := BeanFactory.defaultValue(param.type)
            if (defVal == null)
                return "null"
            // types with a defVal and a toCode() method
            toCode := ReflectUtils.findMethod(param.type, "toCode", null, false, Str#)
            if (toCode != null)
                return toCode.callOn(defVal, null)
        } catch 
            return null
        // types with a default ctor 
        ctor := ReflectUtils.findCtors(param.type)
        if (ctor.size == 1)
            return "${param.type.qname}()"
        return null