** Generates snippets of source code, often used to report errors.
const class SrcCodeSnippet {
    ** An arbitrary uri of where the source code originated from. 
    const Uri   srcCodeLocation
    ** A list of source code lines.
    const Str[] srcCode

    ** Creates a SrcCodeSnippet.
    new make(Uri srcCodeLocation, Str srcCode) {
        this.srcCodeLocation= srcCodeLocation
        this.srcCode        = srcCode.splitLines

    ** Returns a snippet of source code, centred on 'lineNo' and padded on either side by an 
    ** extra 'linesOfPadding'.
    Str srcCodeSnippet(Int lineNo, Str? msg := null, Int linesOfPadding := 5) {
        buf := StrBuf()
        buf.add("  ${srcCodeLocation}").add(" : Line ${lineNo}\n")
        if (msg != null)
            buf.add("    - ${msg}\n")
        srcCodeSnippetMap(lineNo, linesOfPadding).each |src, line| {
            pointer := (line == lineNo) ? "==>" : "   "
            buf.add("${pointer}${line.toStr.justr(3)}: ${src}\n".replace("\t", "    "))
        return buf.toStr

    ** Returns a map of line numbers to source code, centred on 'lineNo' and padded on either 
    ** side by an extra 'linesOfPadding'.
    Int:Str srcCodeSnippetMap(Int lineNo, Int linesOfPadding := 5) {
        min := (lineNo - 1 - linesOfPadding).max(0) // -1 so "Line 1" == src[0]
        max := (lineNo - 1 + linesOfPadding + 1).min(srcCode.size)
        lines := Utils.makeMap(Int#, Str#)
        (min..<max).each { lines[it+1] = srcCode[it] }
        // uniformly remove extra whitespace 
        while (canTrim(lines))
        return lines

    private Bool canTrim(Int:Str lines) {
        lines.vals.all { it.size > 0 && it[0].isSpace }

    private Void trim(Int:Str lines) {
        lines.each |val, key| { lines[key] = val[1..-1]  }
    override Str toStr() {
        "${srcCodeLocation} : ${srcCode.size} lines"