using afIoc::Inject
using afIoc::Registry
using afIocEnv::IocEnv
using afEfanXtra::EfanXtra
using afEfanXtra::EfanLibraries
using afBedSheet::Text
using afBedSheet::ValueEncoders
using afBedSheet::HttpRequest
using afBedSheet::HttpResponse

** (Service) - Methods for discovering Pillow pages and returning `PageMeta` instances.
const mixin Pages {
    ** Returns all Pillow page types.
    abstract Type[] pageTypes()
    ** Create 'PageMeta' for the given page type and context. 
    ** (Note: 'pageContext' are the arguments to the '@InitRender' method, if any.) 
    abstract PageMeta pageMeta(Type pageType, Obj?[]? pageContext := null)
    ** An alias for 'pageMeta()'.
    abstract PageMeta get(Type pageType, Obj?[]? pageContext := null)
    ** Renders the given page, using the 'pageContext' as arguments to '@InitRender'. 
    ** Note that 'pageContext' items converted their appropriate type via BedSheet's 'ValueEncoder' service.
    @NoDoc  // Obj 'cos the method may be called manually (from ResponseProcessor)
    abstract Text renderPage(Type pageType, Obj?[]? pageContext := null)

    abstract Text renderPageMeta(PageMeta pageMeta)

    ** Executes the page event in the given page context.
    @NoDoc  // Obj 'cos the method may be called manually (from ResponseProcessor)
    abstract Obj callPageEvent(Type pageType, Obj?[] pageContext, Method eventMethod, Obj?[] eventContext)

internal const class PagesImpl : Pages {
    @Inject private const ValueEncoders     valueEncoders
    @Inject private const EfanXtra          efanXtra
    @Inject private const EfanLibraries     efanLibraries
    @Inject private const IocEnv            iocEnv
    @Inject private const HttpResponse      httpRes
    @Inject private const HttpRequest       httpRequest
        private const Type:PageMetaState    pageCache 

    new make(PageMetaStateFactory metaFactory, |This| in) {
        cache := Utils.makeMap(Type#, PageMeta#)
        efanXtra.libraries.each |libName| {
            efanXtra.componentTypes(libName).findAll { it.hasFacet(Page#) }.each {
                cache[it] =  metaFactory.toPageMetaState(it)
        this.pageCache = cache
    override Type[] pageTypes() {
    override PageMeta pageMeta(Type pageType, Obj?[]? pageContext := null) {
        PageMeta(pageCache[pageType], pageContext) {
            it.httpRequest   = this.httpRequest
            it.valueEncoders = this.valueEncoders

    override PageMeta get(Type pageType, Obj?[]? pageContext := null) {
        pageMeta(pageType, pageContext)
    override Text renderPage(Type pageType, Obj?[]? pageContext := null) {
        renderPageMeta(pageMeta(pageType, pageContext))

    override Text renderPageMeta(PageMeta pageMeta) {
        if (!iocEnv.isProd)
            httpRes.headers["X-Pillow-Rendered-Page"] = pageMeta.pageType.qname
        pageArgs := convertArgs(pageMeta.pageContext, pageMeta.contextTypes)
        pageStr  := PageMeta.push(pageMeta) |->Str| {
            return efanXtra.render(pageMeta.pageType, pageArgs)
        return Text.fromMimeType(pageStr, pageMeta.contentType)

    override Obj callPageEvent(Type pageType, Obj?[] pageContext, Method eventMethod, Obj?[] eventContext) {
        if (!iocEnv.isProd) 
            httpRes.headers["X-Pillow-Called-Event"] = eventMethod.qname

        page        := efanXtra.component(pageType)
        pageMeta    := pageMeta(pageType, pageContext)
        initArgs    := convertArgs(pageContext, pageMeta.contextTypes)
        eventArgs   := convertArgs(eventContext, { it.type })
        return PageMeta.push(pageMeta) |->Obj?| {
            return efanLibraries.library(pageType).callMethod(pageType, initArgs) |->Obj?| {
                return eventMethod.callOn(page, eventArgs)
    // ---- Private Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    

    ** Convert the Str from Routes into real arg objs
    private Obj[] convertArgs(Str?[] argsIn, Type[] convertTo) {
        argsOut := |arg, i -> Obj?| {
            // guard against having more args than the method has params! 
            // Should never happen if the Routes do their job!
            paramType := convertTo.getSafe(i)
            if (paramType == null)
                return arg          
            convert     := arg != null && arg.typeof.fits(Str#)
            value       := convert ? valueEncoders.toValue(paramType, arg) : arg
            return value
        return argsOut

internal const class PageMetaState {
    const Type      pageType
    const Uri       pageBaseUri
    const MimeType  contentType
    const Bool      isWelcomePage
    const Str       httpMethod
    const Uri       serverGlob
    const Type[]    contextTypes

    new make(|This|in) { in(this) }