A Fantom to MongoDB object mapping library
BsonConv | Implement to convert custom Fantom types to / from a BSON representation. |
BsonConvs | (Service) - Converts Fantom objects to and from their BSON representation. |
Datastore | (Service) - Wraps a MongoDB Collection, converting Fantom entities to / from BSON documents. |
BsonConvCtx | Passed to |
Morphia | (Service) - Mongo to Fantom Object Mapping. |
MorphiaCur | Morphio Cursors wrap Mongo cursors to return entity objects. |
BsonProp | Marks a field as a property of a BSON object. |
Entity | Marks a type to be mapped as a top level document in a MongoDB collection. |
OptimisticLockErr | Thrown when updating an entity and a newer _version exists. |