using afBeanUtils::ReflectUtils

** Marks a type to be mapped as a top level document in a MongoDB collection.
@FacetMeta { inherited = true }
facet class Entity {
    ** Name of the MongoDB collection that documents are stored under. 
    ** Defaults to the type name.
    const Str? name

** Marks a field as a property of a MongoDB document.
facet class Property {

    ** Name of the MongoDB object key this field maps to. 
    ** Defaults to the field name.
    const Str?  name

    ** The implementation 'Type' to be instantiated should this field reference a mixin or a superclass. 
    ** Used when mapping from MongoDB documents to Fantom objects. 
    ** Defaults to the field type.
    const Type? implType
    ** When saving to MongoDB, any Fantom value that equals this 'defVal' will be treated as if 
    ** it were 'null' and (depending on 'ObjConverter') will *not* be saved.
    ** When loaded from MongoDB, any 'null' value will be converted to this 'defVal'.
    ** This is most useful for saving marker booleans and to avoid saving empty lists and maps.
    const Obj? defVal

** Holds resolved '@Property' values.
const mixin PropertyData {
    ** The backing storage field.
    abstract    Field   field()
    ** Name of the MongoDB object key this field maps to.
    abstract    Str     name()
    ** The implementation 'Type' to be instantiated.
    abstract    Type    type()
    ** The default values that maps to 'null'.
    abstract    Obj?    defVal()

    ** Returns the field's value on the given instance.
    virtual Obj? val(Obj obj) {
    ** Creates a 'PropertyData' instance from a 'Field' - must have the '@Property' facet.
    static new make(Field propertyField) {

internal const class PropertyDataField : PropertyData {
    override const Field    field
    override const Str      name
    override const Type     type
    override const Obj?     defVal
    new make(Field field) {
        property := (Property) field.facet(Property#, true)
        this.field  = field   =     ?:
        this.type   = property.implType ?: field.type
        this.defVal = property.defVal
        if (!ReflectUtils.fits(type, field.type))
            throw MorphiaErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_facetTypeDoesNotFitField(type, field))

        // ReflectUtils.fits is too lenient for our purposes here 
        if (defVal is List && ((List) defVal).isEmpty && !defVal.typeof.fits(field.type))
            defVal = field.type.params["V"].emptyList

        // ReflectUtils.fits is too lenient for our purposes here 
        if (defVal is Map && ((Map) defVal).isEmpty && !defVal.typeof.fits(field.type))
            defVal = Map.make(field.type)
        if (defVal != null && !ReflectUtils.fits(defVal.typeof, field.type))
            throw MorphiaErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_facetDefValDoesNotFitField(defVal.typeof, field))
    override Str toStr() { name }