** A MongoDB client.
** This class is the main starting point for connecting to a MongoDB instance.
** Retrieving data from a MongoDB can be as easy as:
**   syntax: fantom
**   mongo := MongoClient(`mongodb://localhost:27017/`)
**   data  := mongo.db("db").collection("col").find
** Or using defaults and shorthand notation:
**   syntax: fantom
**   data  := mongo["db"]["col"].find
const class MongoClient {

    ** The connection manager that Mongo connections are leased from.
    const MongoConnMgr  connMgr

    ** Creates a 'MongoClient' with the given 'ConnectionManager'.
    new make(MongoConnMgr connMgr) {
        this.connMgr = connMgr

    ** Creates a 'MongoClient' with a pooled connection to the given Mongo connection URL.
    new makeFromUri(Uri mongoUrl) {
        this.connMgr = MongoConnMgr(mongoUrl)

    ** Returns a 'Database' with the given name.
    ** If 'dbName' is 'null', the default database from 'MongoConnMgr' is used.
    ** Note this just instantiates the Fantom object, it does not create anything in the database.
    MongoDb db(Str? dbName := null) {
        MongoDb(connMgr, dbName ?: connMgr.mongoConnUrl.dbName)

    ** Convenience / shorthand notation for 'db(name)'
    MongoDb get(Str dbName) {

    ** **For Power Users!**
    ** Runs an arbitrary command against the 'admin' database.
    ** Don't forget to call 'run()'!
    MongoCmd adminCmd(Str cmdName, Obj? cmdVal := 1) {
        MongoCmd(connMgr, "admin", cmdName, cmdVal)

    ** Convenience for 'MongoConnMgr.shutdown()'.
    Void shutdown() {

    // ---- Commands ----------------------------

    ** Returns a build information of the connected MongoDB server.
    ** Use to obtain the version of the MongoDB server.
    ** @see ``
    Str:Obj? buildInfo() {

    ** Sends a 'hello' command - if 'hello' is not available, a legacy 'isMaster' command is sent
    ** instead.
    Str:Obj? hello() {
        doc := adminCmd("hello").run(false)
        if (doc["ok"] != 1f)
            doc = adminCmd("isMaster").run(true)
        return doc

    ** Returns a list of existing databases,
    ** along with some basic info.
    ** @see ``
    [Str:Obj?][] listDatabases([Str:Obj?]? filter := null) {
            .add("filter", filter)

    ** Returns all the database names on the MongoDB instance.
    ** This is more optimised than just calling 'listDatabases()'.
    Str[] listDatabaseNames() {
            .add("nameOnly", true)
            .get("databases")) as [Str:Obj?][])
            .map |i->Str| { i["name"] }.sort

    ** Sends a 'ping' command to the server.
    ** 'pings' should return straight away, even if the server is write-locked.
    ** @see ``
    Str:Obj? ping() {

    // ---- Helpers -----------------------------

    private Void startup() {

        buildVersion := buildInfo["version"]
        banner       := "\n${logo}\nConnected to MongoDB v${buildVersion} (at ${connMgr.mongoUrl})\n"

    private Str logo() {
          _____ ___ ___ ___ ___
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