** Represents a MongoDB index.
const class Index {

    private const Namespace         colNs
    private const Namespace         idxNs
    private const ConnectionManager conMgr
    ** Use in 'key' arguments to denote sort order.
    static const Int ASC    := 1
    ** Use in 'key' arguments to denote sort order.
    static const Int DESC   := -1
    ** The name of this index. 
    const Str   name
    ** Creates an 'Index' with the given details.
    new make(ConnectionManager conMgr, Str collectionQname, Str indexName, |This|? f := null) {
        this.conMgr = conMgr
        this.colNs  = Namespace(collectionQname)
        this.idxNs  = colNs.withCollection("system.indexes")   = indexName

    internal new makeWithNs(ConnectionManager conMgr, Namespace namespace, Str indexName, |This|? f := null) {
        this.conMgr = conMgr
        this.colNs  = namespace
        this.idxNs  = colNs.withCollection("system.indexes")   = indexName

    ** Returns index info.
    ** @see ``
    Str:Obj? info() {
        Collection(conMgr, idxNs.qname).findOne(["ns":colNs.qname, "name":name])
    ** Returns 'true' if this index exists.
    Bool exists() {
        Collection(conMgr, idxNs.qname).findCount(["ns":colNs.qname, "name":name]) > 0      
    ** Creates this index.
    ** 'key' is a map of fields to index type. 
    ** Values may either be the standard Mongo '1' and '-1' for ascending / descending or the 
    ** strings 'ASC' / 'DESC'.
    **   index.create(["dateAdded" : Index.ASC])
    ** Note that should 'key' contain more than 1 entry, it must be ordered.
    ** The 'options' parameter is merged with the Mongo command.
    ** Options are numerous (see the MongoDB documentation for details) but common options are:
    **   Name               Type  Desc
    **   ----               ----  ----                                              
    **   background         Bool  Builds the index in the background so it does 
    **                            not block other database activities.
    **   sparse             Bool  Only reference documents with the specified field. 
    **                            Uses less space but behave differently in sorts.
    **   expireAfterSeconds Int   Specifies a Time To Live (TTL) in seconds that 
    **                            controls how long documents are retained.
    ** @see ``
    This create(Str:Obj key, Bool? unique := false, Str:Obj options := [:]) {
        if (key.size > 1 && key.ordered == false)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.cursor_mapNotOrdered(key))

        // there's no createIndexMulti 'cos I figure no novice will need to create multiple indexes at once!
        if (unique != null) options.set("unique", unique)
        cmd .add("createIndexes", colNs.collectionName)
            .add("indexes",     [cmd
                .add("key",     Utils.convertAscDesc(key))
                .add("name",    name)
        // [createdCollectionAutomatically:false, numIndexesBefore:1, numIndexesAfter:2, ok:1.0]
        return this
    ** Ensures this index exists.
    ** If the index does not exist, it is created. 
    ** If it exists but with a different key / options, it is dropped and re-created.
    ** Returns 'true' if the index was (re)-created, 'false' if nothing changed.
    **   index.ensure(["dateAdded" : Index.ASC])
    ** Note that should 'key' contain more than 1 entry, it must be ordered.
    ** The 'options' parameter is merged with the Mongo command, see `create` for details.
    ** @see ``
    Bool ensure(Str:Obj key, Bool? unique := false, Str:Obj options := [:]) {
        if (key.size > 1 && key.ordered == false)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.cursor_mapNotOrdered(key))

        if (!exists) {
            create(key, unique, options)
            return true
        // if null or false, unique does not appear in the index info map
        if (unique == true) options.set("unique", unique)
        info := info
        oldKeyMap := (Str:Obj?) info["key"]
        newKeyMap := Map.make(oldKeyMap.typeof).addAll(Utils.convertAscDesc(key))
        if (info.size == options.size + 4 && oldKeyMap == newKeyMap && options.all |v, k| { info[k] == v })
            return false
        create(key, unique, options)
        return true
    ** Drops this index.
    ** @see ``
    This drop(Bool checked := true) {
        if (checked || exists) cmd.add("dropIndexes", colNs.collectionName).add("index", name).run
        // [nIndexesWas:2, ok:1.0]
        return this

    // ---- Private Methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Cmd cmd(Str? action := null) {
        Cmd(conMgr, colNs, action)
    // ---- Obj Overrides -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    override Str toStr() {
