using inet

** Represents a connection to a MongoDB instance.
** All connections on creation should be connected to a MongoDB instance and ready to go.
** @see `TcpConnection` 
// TODO: maybe connections should know if they're connected to a master, and who they're authenticated as? 
mixin Connection {
    ** Data *from* MongoDB *to* the client.
    abstract InStream   in()
    ** Data *to* MongoDB *from* the client.
    abstract OutStream  out()
    ** Closes the connection.
    abstract Void       close() 
    ** Return 'true' if this socket is closed. 
    abstract Bool       isClosed()
    ** Creates a TCP Connection to the given IP address.
    static Connection makeTcpConnection(IpAddr address := IpAddr(""), Int port := 27017, SocketOptions? options := null) {
        TcpConnection(address, port, options)

** Connects to MongoDB via an 'inet::TcpSocket'.
class TcpConnection : Connection {
    TcpSocket socket
    new makeWithIpAddr(IpAddr address := IpAddr(""), Int port := 27017, SocketOptions? options := null) {
        this.socket = TcpSocket()
        if (options != null)
        socket.connect(address, port)
    new makeWithSocket(TcpSocket socket) {
        this.socket = socket

    override InStream   in()        {         }
    override OutStream  out()       { socket.out        }
    override Void       close()     { socket.close      }
    override Bool       isClosed()  { socket.isClosed   }
    // ---- Obj Overrides -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    override Str toStr() {
        isClosed ? "Closed" : socket.remoteAddr.toStr