** Marks a field as a property of a JSON object.
@Js facet class JsonProperty {
** Name of the JSON property name this field maps to.
** Defaults to the field name.
const Str? name
** The implementation 'Type' to be instantiated should this field reference a mixin or a superclass.
** Used when mapping from JSON objects to Fantom objects.
** Defaults to the field type.
** Note that a property named '_type' in the field's value overrides this 'implType'.
const Type? implType
** When converting to JSON, any Fantom value that equals this 'defVal' will be treated as if
** it were 'null' and (depending on 'ObjConverter') will *not* exist in the JSON object.
** When converting from JSON, any 'null' value will be converted to this 'defVal'.
** This is most useful for saving marker booleans and to avoid saving empty lists and maps.
const Obj? defVal
** Turns on *Pickle Mode* whereby all non '@Transient' fields are converted,
** regardless of any '@JsonProperty' facets.
** Data from '@JsonProperty' facets, however, will still honoured if defined.
const Bool pickleMode := false