using afIoc

** A utility mixin that simply logs injected config on startup.
** Because sometimes it's nice to see what your app is using! 
** Example:
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** using afIocConfig
** const class AppConfig : ConfigClass {
**     @Config const Uri jdbcUrl
**     @Config const Str username
**     @Config const Str password
**     @Config const Str messageOfTheDay
**     new make(|This| f) { f(this) } 
** }
** <pre 
** Will print:
** pre>
** App Config
** ==========
** Jdbc Url ......... : jdbc:wotever
** Username ......... : knobs
** Password ......... : secret
** Message Of The Day : Eat moar ice-cream!
** <pre
mixin ConfigClass {
    ** Logs the '@Config' fields to 'info'.
    virtual Void logConfig() {
        msg := dump(this)
    ** Dumps '@Config' fields of the given 'configClass' to a 'Str', appending any extra properties to the end.
    ** Any key starting with '---' is used as a separator.
    ** Is 'static' so it may be called from anywhere.
    static Str dump(Obj configClass, Str? title := null, [Str:Obj]? extra := null) {
        dumpFields(configClass, configClass.typeof.fields.findAll { it.hasFacet(Config#) }, title, extra)

    ** Dumps fields of the given 'configClass' to a 'Str', appending any extra properties to the end.
    ** Any key starting with '---' is used as a separator.
    ** Is 'static' so it may be called from anywhere.
    static Str dumpFields(Obj configClass, Field[] fields, Str? title := null, [Str:Obj]? extra := null) {
        map := Str:Obj?[:] { ordered = true }
        fields.each {
            map[] = it.get(configClass)?.toStr
        if (extra != null)

        tit := title ?:
        msg := "\n\n"
        msg += "${tit}\n"
        msg += "".padl(tit.size, '=') + "\n"

        keySize := map.keys.reduce(0) |Int size, key->Int| { size.max(key.size) } as Int
        map.each |v, k| {
            val := v?.toStr ?: "n/a"
            if (k.startsWith("---"))
                msg +=    "".padr(keySize + 1, '-') + " : $val\n"
                msg += "$k ".padr(keySize + 1, '.') + " : $val\n"

        return msg