using concurrent::Actor

** A wrapper around [Actor.locals]`concurrent::Actor.locals` ensuring a unique namespace per 
** instance. this means you don't have to worry about name clashes. 
** Example usage:
** pre>
**   stash1 := ThreadStash("prefix")
**   stash1["wot"] = "ever"
**   stash2 := ThreadStash("prefix")
**   stash2["wot"] = "banana"
**   Obj.echo(stash1["wot"])  // --> ever
** <pre
** Though typically you would create calculated field wrappers:
** pre>
** const class Example
**   private const ThreadStash stash := LocalStash(
**   MyService wotever {
**     get { stash["wotever"] }
**     set { stash["wotever"] = it }
**   }
** }
** <pre
** @since 1.3.0 (a replacement for 'LocalStash')
const class ThreadStash {

    ** The prefix used to identify all keys used with this stash
    const Str prefix
    private Int? counter {
        get { Actor.locals["${typeof.qname}.counter"] }
        set { Actor.locals["${typeof.qname}.counter"] = it }
    ** A thread-local count is added to the given prefix to make it truly unique.
    new make(Str prefix) {
        this.prefix = createPrefix(prefix)
    ** Get the value for the specified name.
    Obj? get(Str name, |->Obj|? defFunc := null) {
        val := Actor.locals[key(name)]
        if (val == null) {
            if (defFunc != null) {
                val =
                set(name, val)
        return val

    ** Set the value for the specified name. If the name was already mapped, this overwrites the old 
    ** value.
    Void set(Str name, Obj? value) {
        Actor.locals[key(name)] = value
    ** Returns all (fully qualified) keys associated / used with this stash. Note the returns 
    Str[] keys() {
            .findAll { it.startsWith(prefix) }

    ** Returns 'true' if this stash contains the given name
    ** @since 1.3.2
    Bool contains(Str name) {
    ** Remove the name/value pair from the stash and returns the value that was. If the name was 
    ** not mapped then return null.
    Obj? remove(Str name) {
    ** Removes all key/value pairs from this stash
    Void clear() {
        keys.each { Actor.locals.remove(it) }

    // ---- Helper Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private Str createPrefix(Str strPrefix) {
        count   := counter ?: 1
        padded  := count.toStr.padl(4, '0')
        prefix  := "${strPrefix}.${padded}."
        counter = count + 1
        return prefix

    private Str key(Str name) {
        return "${prefix}${name}"