** The registry of IoC services.
const mixin Registry {
    ** Invoke to execute all contributions to the `RegistryStartup` service.
    abstract This startup()
    ** Shuts down the Registry. Notifies all listeners that the registry has shutdown. Further 
    ** method invocations on the Registry are no longer allowed, and the Registry instance 
    ** should be discarded.
    ** See `RegistryShutdownHub`
    abstract This shutdown()
    ** Obtains a service via its unique service id. 
    abstract Obj serviceById(Str serviceId)

    ** Locates a dependency of the given type. The search takes into account inheritance of the 
    ** service mixin, not the service *implementation*.
    abstract Obj dependencyByType(Type dependencyType)

    ** Autobuilds an instance of the given type, resolving all dependencies: 
    **  - create instance via ctor marked with '@Inject' or the ctor with the *most* parameters
    **  - inject dependencies into fields (of all visibilities) marked with '@Inject'
    **  - call any methods annotated with '@PostInjection'
    abstract Obj autobuild(Type type)

    ** Injects services and dependencies into fields (of all visibilities) marked with '@Inject'.
    abstract Obj injectIntoFields(Obj service)  