using fanr

** Represents configuration as parsed from a hierarchy of 'fpm.props' files.
const class FpmConfig {
    private static const Log    log := FpmConfig#.pod.log

    ** The Fantom installation.
    const File      homeDir

    ** The temp directory.
    const File      tempDir

    ** A list of working directories.
    ** The 'workDir' as returned by 'FpmEnv' is is always first item in this list.
    ** 'homeDir' is always the last entry in the list, so it is never empty.
    const File[]    workDirs
    ** A list of directories where pods are picked up from.
    const File[]    podDirs
    ** A map of named local file system repositories.
    const Str:File  fileRepos

    ** A map of named remote fanr repositories.
    const Str:Uri   fanrRepos
    ** A list of libraries used to launch applications
    const Str[]     launchPods

    ** The config files used to generate this class.
    const File[]    configFiles

    ** The raw FPM config gleaned from the 'configFiles'.
    ** Does not include fanr credentials.
    const Str:Str   rawConfig

    private const Str:Str   _rawConfig

    private new makePrivate(|This|in) { in(this) }
    static new make() {
        makeFromDirs(File(`./`), Env.cur.homeDir, Env.cur.vars["FAN_ENV_PATH"])

    static new makeFromDirs(File baseDir, File homeDir, Str? envPaths) {
        fpmFile := (File?)`fpm.props`).normalize
        while (fpmFile != null && !fpmFile.exists)
            fpmFile = fpmFile.parent.parent?.plus(`fpm.props`)

        // this is a little bit chicken and egg - we use the workDir to find config.props to find the workDir! 
        workDirs := "" as Str
        workDirs = (workDirs?.trimToNull == null ? "" : workDirs + File.pathSep) + (envPaths ?: "")
        workDirs = (workDirs?.trimToNull == null ? "" : workDirs + File.pathSep) + homeDir.uri.toStr
        workFile := workDirs.split(File.pathSep.chars.first).map { toAbsDir(it) + `etc/afFpm/fpm.props` }.unique as File[]
        if (fpmFile != null)
            workFile.insert(0, fpmFile)
        workFile = workFile.findAll { it.exists }

        fpmProps := Str:Str[:] { it.ordered = true }
        workFile.eachr { fpmProps.setAll(it.readProps) }

        return makeInternal(baseDir, homeDir, envPaths, fpmProps, workFile.reverse)

    internal new makeInternal(File baseDir, File homeDir, Str? envPaths, Str:Str fpmProps, File[]? configFiles) {
        baseDir = baseDir.normalize
        if (baseDir.isDir.not || baseDir.exists.not)
            throw ArgErr("Base directory is not valid: ${baseDir.osPath}")

        homeDir = homeDir.normalize
        if (homeDir.isDir.not || homeDir.exists.not)
            throw ArgErr("Home directory is not valid: ${homeDir.osPath}")

        this.homeDir = homeDir
        workDirs := fpmProps["workDirs"]
        workDirs = (workDirs?.trimToNull == null ? "" : workDirs + File.pathSep) + (envPaths ?: "")
        workDirs = (workDirs?.trimToNull == null ? "" : workDirs + File.pathSep) + homeDir.uri.toStr
        this.workDirs = workDirs.split(File.pathSep.chars.first).map { toAbsDir(it) }.unique

        repoDirs := (Str:File) fpmProps.findAll |path, name| {
        }.reduce(Str:File[:] { ordered=true }) |Str:File repos, Str path, name| {
            repos[name["fileRepo.".size..-1]] = toAbsDir(path.trim)
            return repos
        if (repoDirs.containsKey("default").not)
            repoDirs["default"] =`fpmRepo-default/`, false)
        this.fileRepos = repoDirs
        tempDir := fpmProps["tempDir"]
        if (tempDir == null)
            tempDir =`temp/`, false).uri.toStr
        this.tempDir = toAbsDir(tempDir)

        podDirs := fpmProps["podDirs"]
        this.podDirs = podDirs?.split(File.pathSep.chars.first)?.map { toRelDir(baseDir, it) }?.findAll |File dir->Bool| { dir.exists }?.unique ?: File#.emptyList

        fanrRepos := (Str:Uri) fpmProps.findAll |path, name| {
            name.startsWith("fanrRepo.") && name.endsWith(".username").not && name.endsWith(".password").not
        }.reduce(Str:Uri[:] { ordered=true }) |Str:Uri repos, Str path, key| {
            url  := path.trim.toUri
            name := key["fanrRepo.".size..-1]
            if (url.scheme != "http" && url.scheme != "https")
                throw Err("Invalid URI scheme for fanr repo '${name}', only http and https permitted: ${url}")
            repos[name] = url
            return repos
        this.fanrRepos      = fanrRepos
        this.launchPods     = fpmProps["launchPods"]?.split(',') ?: Str#.emptyList
        this.configFiles    = configFiles ?: File[,]
        this._rawConfig     = fpmProps
        // as Env is available to the entire FVM, be nice and remove any credentials
        // it's just lip service really, as anyone could re-read the fpm.config files
        this.rawConfig      = fpmProps.exclude |val, key| { key.endsWith(".username") || key.endsWith(".password") }
    ** Returns a fanr 'Repo' instance for the named repository. 
    ** May be either a 'fileRepo' or a 'fanrRepo'. 
    ** 'username' and 'password' are only used if a 'fanrRepo' is returned.
    Repo fanrRepo(Str repoName, Str? username := null, Str? password := null) {
        // FPM doesn't need / use a local fanr repo, but others may find it useful
        if (fileRepos.containsKey(repoName))
            return Repo.makeForUri(fileRepos[repoName].uri)
        if (fanrRepos.containsKey(repoName)) {
            if (username == null)
                username = _rawConfig["fanrRepo.${repoName}.username"]
            if (password == null)
                password = _rawConfig["fanrRepo.${repoName}.password"]
            return toFanrRepo(fanrRepos[repoName], username, password)
        allRepoNames := fileRepos.keys.addAll(fanrRepos.keys).sort
        throw ArgErr("Cound not find remote repo with name '${repoName}'. Available repos: " + allRepoNames.join(","))

    ** Dumps debug output to a string. The string will look similar to:
    ** pre>
    ** FPM Environment:
    **    Target Pod : shStackHubAdmin 0+
    **      Home Dir : C:\Apps\fantom-1.0.68
    **     Work Dirs : C:\Repositories\Fantom, C:\Apps\fantom-1.0.68
    **      Pod Dirs : C:\Projects\StackHub\stackhub-admin\lib
    **      Temp Dir : C:\Repositories\Fantom\temp
    **  Config Files : C:\Apps\fantom-1.0.68\etc\afFpm\config.props
    **    File Repos :
    **       default = C:\Repositories\Fantom\repo-default
    **       release = C:\Repositories\Fantom\repo-release
    **    Fanr Repos :
    ** fantomFactory =
    **       repo302 =
    ** <pre
    Str dump() {
        str := ""
        str += "      Home Dir : ${homeDir.osPath}\n"
        str += "     Work Dirs : " + dumpList(workDirs)
        str += "      Pod Dirs : " + dumpList(podDirs)
        str += "      Temp Dir : ${tempDir.osPath}\n"
        str += "  Config Files : " + dumpList(configFiles)

        if (fileRepos.size > 0)
            str += "\n"
        str += "    File Repos : " + (fileRepos.isEmpty ? "(none)" : "") + "\n"
        maxDir := fileRepos.keys.reduce(14) |Int size, repoName| { size.max(repoName.size) } as Int
        fileRepos.each |repoDir, repoName| {
            str += repoName.justr(maxDir) + " = " + repoDir.osPath + "\n"

        if (fanrRepos.size > 0)
            str += "\n"
        str += "    Fanr Repos : " + (fanrRepos.isEmpty ? "(none)" : "") + "\n"
        maxDir = fanrRepos.keys.reduce(14) |Int size, repoName| { size.max(repoName.size) } as Int
        fanrRepos.each |repoUrl, repoName| {
            usr := repoUrl.userInfo == null ? "" : repoUrl.userInfo + "@"
            // Fantom Str.replace() bug - see
            url := usr.isEmpty ? repoUrl.toStr : repoUrl.toStr.replace(usr, "")
            str += repoName.justr(maxDir) + " = " + url + "\n"

        return str

    private Str dumpList(File[] files) {
        if (files.isEmpty)
            return "(none)\n"

        str := "${files.first.osPath}\n"
        if (files.size > 1)
            files[1..-1].each {
                str += "".justr(14) + "   ${it.osPath}\n"
        return str

    internal static Repo toFanrRepo(Uri url, Str? usr := null, Str? pwd := null) {
        userStr  := url.userInfo == null ? "" : url.userInfo + "@"
        repoUrl  := url.toStr.replace(userStr, "").toUri
        // TODO do proper percent decoding
        username := Uri.decode(url.userInfo?.split(':')?.getSafe(0)?.replace("%40", "@") ?: "").toStr.trimToNull    // decode percent encoding
        password := Uri.decode(url.userInfo?.split(':')?.getSafe(1)?.replace("%40", "@") ?: "").toStr.trimToNull
        if (usr != null)    username = usr
        if (pwd != null)    password = pwd
        return Repo.makeForUri(repoUrl, username, password)
    private static File toAbsDir(Str dirPath) {
    private static File toRelDir(File baseDir, Str dirPath) {
        FileUtils.toRelDir(baseDir, dirPath)