using afPlastic

** Contains contextual information about a Fancordion command.
const class CommandCtx {
    private static const PlasticCompiler compiler   := PlasticCompiler()

    ** The command URI.
    const Str       cmdUri

    ** The *scheme* portion of the command URI:
    **   [text]`scheme:path`
    const Str       cmdScheme

    ** The *path* portion of the command URI (minus the scheme):
    **   [text]`scheme:path`
    const Str       cmdPath
    ** The *text* portion of the command:
    **   [text]`scheme:path`
    ** For table column commands this is the column text.
    const Str       cmdText
    ** The table being processed. Only available in table commands.
    const Str[][]?  table
    ** The 0-based table row index. Only available in table row commands.
    const Int?      tableRowIdx
    ** The columns that make up the current table row. Only available in table row commands.
    const Str[]?    tableCols
    ** The 0-based table col index. Only available in table row commands.
    const Int?      tableColIdx

    ** Is set to 'true' if there has been previous errors in the fixture and this command should be ignored.
    const Bool      ignore

    internal new make(Str cmdScheme, Str cmdPath, Str cmdText, Str[][]? table, Int? tableRowIdx, Int? tableColIdx, Bool ignore) {
        this.cmdUri     = "${cmdScheme}:${cmdPath}"
        this.cmdScheme  = cmdScheme
        this.cmdPath    = cmdPath
        this.cmdText    = cmdText
        this.table      = table?.dup?.with { removeAt(0) }  // the first row is always empty, from the --- --- 
        this.tableRowIdx= tableRowIdx
        this.tableCols  = this.table?.getSafe(tableRowIdx)
        this.tableColIdx= tableColIdx
        this.ignore     = ignore
    ** Applies Fancordion variables to the given str. 
    ** Specifically it replaces portions of the string with:
    **  - '#TEXT    -> cmdText.toCode'
    **  - '#FIXTURE -> "fixture"'
    ** The following are replaced in table commands:
    **  - '#COL     -> tableColIdx'
    **  - '#COL[0]  -> tableCols[0].toCode'
    **  - '#COL[1]  -> tableCols[1].toCode'
    **  - '#COL[n]  -> tableCols[n].toCode'
    **  - '#COLS    -> tableCols.toCode'
    **  - '#ROW     -> tableRowIdx'
    **  - '#ROW[0]  -> table[0].toCode'
    **  - '#ROW[1]  -> table[1].toCode'
    **  - '#ROW[n]  -> table[n].toCode'
    **  - '#ROWS    -> table.toCode'
    Str applyVariables(Str text := cmdPath) {
        if (text.isEmpty) return text   // a tiny optimisation

        text = text.replace("#TEXT",    cmdText.toCode)
        text = text.replace("#FIXTURE", "fixture")
        if (table != null) {
            text = text.replace("#ROWS", table.toCode)
            table.each |row, i| {
                text = text.replace("#ROW[${i}]", table[i].toCode)
            if (tableRowIdx != null)
                text = text.replace("#ROW", tableRowIdx.toCode)

            if (tableCols != null) {
                text = text.replace("#COLS", tableCols.toCode)
                tableCols.each |col, i| {
                    text = text.replace("#COL[${i}]", tableCols[i].toCode)
                if (tableColIdx != null) {
                    if (text.contains("#N")) {
                        Log.get("afFancordion").warn("#N Macro is deprecated - use #COL instead")
                        text = text.replace("#N", "#COL")
                    text = text.replace("#COL", tableColIdx.toCode)
        return text
    ** Executes the given code against the fixture instance. Example:
    **   executeOnFixture(fixture, "echo()") --> fixture.echo()
    Void executeOnFixture(Obj fixture, Str code) {
        model := PlasticClassModel("FixtureExecutor", false).extend(FixtureExecutor#)
        body  := isSlotty(fixture, code)
                ? "fixture := (${fixture.typeof.qname}) obj;\nfixture.${code}"
                : "fixture := (${fixture.typeof.qname}) obj;\n${code}"
        model.overrideMethod(FixtureExecutor#executeOn, body)
        if (fixture.typeof.pod != null)
        help := (FixtureExecutor) compiler.compileModel(model).make

    ** Executes the given code on the fixture instance and returns a value. Example:
    **   getFromFixture(fixture, "toStr()")  --> return fixture.toStr()
    Obj? getFromFixture(Obj fixture, Str code) {
        model := PlasticClassModel("FixtureExecutor", false).extend(FixtureExecutor#)
        body  := isSlotty(fixture, code)
                ? "fixture := (${fixture.typeof.qname}) obj;\nreturn fixture.${code}"
                : "fixture := (${fixture.typeof.qname}) obj;\nreturn ${code}"
        model.overrideMethod(FixtureExecutor#getFrom, body)
        if (fixture.typeof.pod != null)
        help := (FixtureExecutor) compiler.compileModel(model).make
        return help.getFrom(fixture)
    internal static Bool isSlotty(Obj fixture, Str code) {
        slotName := ""
        code.chars.eachWhile |char->Bool?| {
            if (char.isAlphaNum || char == ':') {
                slotName += char.toChar
                return null
            return true
        if (slotName.contains("::"))
            return false
        return fixture.typeof.slot(slotName, false) != null

abstract class FixtureExecutor {
    virtual Void executeOn(Obj obj) { }
    virtual Obj? getFrom  (Obj obj) { null }