using afIoc::Inject
using afEfan::EfanRenderer

** (Service) - Service methods for discovering and rendering efan components.
const mixin EfanXtra {

    ** Returns the names of all contributed efan component libraries.
    abstract Str[]  libraries()
    ** Returns the types of all components in the given library. 
    abstract Type[] componentTypes(Str libraryName)

    ** Renders the given component. 
    ** The component's '@InitRender' method is called with the given 'initParams'. An empty Str is returned if rendering
    ** is aborted by '@InitRender' or '@BeforeRender'.
    abstract Str render(Type componentType, Obj?[]? initParams := null)
    ** Returns an instance of the component.
    abstract EfanComponent component(Type componentType)

internal const class EfanXtraImpl : EfanXtra {

    @Inject private const EfanLibraries efanLibraries
    @Inject private const ComponentCache componentCache
    new make(|This|in) { in(this) }

    override Str[] libraries() {

    override Type[] componentTypes(Str libraryName) {

    override Str render(Type componentType, Obj?[]? initParams := null) {
        efanLibraries.library(componentType).renderComponent(componentType, initParams ?: Obj#.emptyList)

    override EfanComponent component(Type componentType) {
        library := efanLibraries.library(componentType) 
        return componentCache.getOrMake(, componentType)