using afIoc
using afBedSheet
using util

** (Service) - Injects HTML elements into your page.
** Elements are queued up and injected just before the page is sent to the browser.
** Elements are listed in the HTML in the order they are added.
** Duplicate elements are ignored. 
** So if a component adds a stylesheet link, that component may be used many times on a page but, only ONE link to that stylesheet will be rendered.
const mixin HtmlInjector {
    ** Injects a '<meta>' element into the bottom of your head. Example:
    **   injectMeta.withName("viewport").withContent("initial-scale=1")
    ** will render the following tag:
    **   <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1">
    abstract MetaTagBuilder injectMeta()

    ** Injects a '<link>' element into the bottom of your head. Example:
    **   injectLink.fromClientUrl(`/css/styles.css`)
    ** will render the following tag:
    **   <link href="/css/styles.css">
    abstract LinkTagBuilder injectLink()
    ** Injects a '<link>' element, defaulted for CSS stylesheets, into the bottom of your head. Example:
    **   injectStylesheet.fromClientUrl(`/css/styles.css`)
    ** will render the following tag:
    **   <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/css/styles.css">
    abstract LinkTagBuilder injectStylesheet()

    ** Injects a '<script>' element into the bottom of your body. Example:
    **   injectScript.fromExternalUrl(`//`)
    ** will render the following tag:
    **   <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
    ** *Consider using [RequireJS]`` AMD modules instead!*
    ** Note that by default the script is injected at the bottom of the '<body>' tag.
    abstract ScriptTagBuilder injectScript(Bool appendToHead := false)

    ** Ensures that the RequireJS script and corresponding config is injected into the page.
    ** A call to this is only required when you want to hard code require calls in the HTML. 
    ** For example, if your HTML looked like this:
    ** pre>
    ** <html>
    ** <body>
    **     <h1>Hello!</h1>
    **     <script>
    **         require(['jquery'], function($) {
    **             // ... wotever...
    **         });
    **     </script>
    ** </body>
    ** </html>
    ** <pre
    ** Then a call to 'injectRequireJs()' would be required to ensure RequireJS was loaded before the script call.
    abstract Void injectRequireJs()

    ** Wraps the 'script' in a function call to [RequireJS]``, ensuring the given module dependencies are available.  
    ** 'functionParams' is a map of 'RequireJs' module names to function parameter names.
    ** Example:
    **   injectRequireScript(["jquery":"\$"], "\$('p').addClass('magic');")
    ** will generate:
    **   <script type="text/javascript">
    **     require(["jquery"], function ($) {
    **        $('p').addClass('magic');
    **     });
    **   </script>
    abstract ScriptTagBuilder injectRequireScript(Str:Str functionParams, Str script)

    ** Injects a call to a [RequireJS]`` module. 
    ** If the [RequireJS module exposes an object]`` then a function may be invoked using 'funcName' and 'funcArgs'. 
    ** Example:
    **   injectRequireModule("my/shirt", "addToCart", ["shirt", 1.99f])
    ** will generate:
    **   <script type="text/javascript">
    **     require(["my/shirt"], function (module) { module.addToCart("shirt", 1.99); });
    **   </script>
    ** Or, if the [RequireJS module returns a function as its module definition]`` then it may be invoked directly by passing 'null' as the 'funcName'.
    ** Example:
    **   injectRequireCall("my/title", null, ["Reduced to Clear!"])
    ** will generate:
    **   <script type="text/javascript">
    **     require(["my/title"], function (module) { module("Reduced to Clear!"); });
    **   </script>
    ** Note that 'funcArgs' are converted into JSON; which is really useful, as it means *you* don't have to!
    abstract ScriptTagBuilder injectRequireModule(Str moduleId, Str? funcName := null, Obj?[]? funcArgs := null)

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'injectRequireModule()' instead" }
    virtual ScriptTagBuilder injectRequireCall(Str moduleId, Str? funcName := null, Obj?[]? funcArgs := null) {
        injectRequireModule(moduleId, funcName, funcArgs)
    ** Injects a call to a Fantom method. That's right, this method lets you run Fantom code in your web browser!
    ** Because Fantom only compiles classes with the '@Js' facet into Javascript, ensure the method's class has it! 
    ** Method arguments are serialised into JSON so only the following types are supported: 'Str, Num, Bool, Map, List, null'
    ** 'env' are environment variables passed into the Fantom Javascript runtime.
    ** Note that when instantiating an FWT window, by default it takes up the whole browser window. 
    ** To constrain the FWT window to a particular element on the page, pass in the follow environment variable:
    **   "fwt.window.root" : "<element-id>"
    ** Where '<element-id>' is the html ID of an element on the page. The FWT window will attach itself to this element.
    ** Note that the element needs to specify a width, height and give a CSS position of 'relative'. 
    ** This may either be done in CSS or defined on the element directly:
    **   <div id="fwt-window" style="width: 640px; height:480px; position:relative;"></div>    
    abstract ScriptTagBuilder injectFantomMethod(Method method, Obj?[]? args := null, [Str:Str]? env := null)
    ** Appends the given 'HtmlNode' to the bottom of the head section.
    ** Returns 'this'.
    abstract HtmlInjector appendToHead(HtmlNode node)
    ** Appends the given 'HtmlNode' to the bottom of the body section.
    ** Returns 'this'.
    abstract HtmlInjector appendToBody(HtmlNode node)

internal const class HtmlInjectorImpl : HtmlInjector {
    @Inject private const Registry          registry
    @Inject private const DuvetProcessor    duvetProcessor
    @Inject private const PodHandler        podHandler
    new make(|This|in) { in(this) }
    override MetaTagBuilder injectMeta() {
        bob := MetaTagBuilder()
        return bob

    override LinkTagBuilder injectLink() {
        bob := (LinkTagBuilder) registry.autobuild(LinkTagBuilder#)
        return bob

    override LinkTagBuilder injectStylesheet() {

    override ScriptTagBuilder injectScript(Bool inHead := false) {
        bob := (ScriptTagBuilder) registry.autobuild(ScriptTagBuilder#)
        if (inHead)
        return bob
    override Void injectRequireJs() {
    override ScriptTagBuilder injectRequireScript(Str:Str scriptParams, Str script) {
        params  := scriptParams.keys.join(", ") { "\"${it}\"" }
        args    := scriptParams.vals.join(", ")
        script  =  script.trim.isEmpty ? " " : "\n" + script + "\n"
        body    := """require([${params}], function (${args}) {${script}});"""
        return injectScript.withScript(body)
    override ScriptTagBuilder injectRequireModule(Str moduleId, Str? funcName := null, Obj?[]? funcArgs := null) {
        fCall := Str.defVal
        if (funcName != null || funcArgs != null) {
            fName := (funcName == null) ? Str.defVal : "." + funcName
            fArgs := (funcArgs == null) ? Str.defVal : funcArgs.join(", ") { JsonOutStream.writeJsonToStr(it) }
            fCall  = "module${fName}(${fArgs});"
        return injectRequireScript([moduleId:"module"], fCall)
    override ScriptTagBuilder injectFantomMethod(Method method, Obj?[]? jsonArgs := null, [Str:Str]? env := null) {
        if (!method.parent.hasFacet(Js#))
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.htmlInjector_noJsFacet(method.parent))

        podName :=
        jsParam := [podName:"_${podName}"]
        params  := JsonOutStream.writeJsonToStr(jsonArgs ?: Obj#.emptyList)

        envs    := env?.rw ?: Str:Str[:] 
        if (!envs.containsKey("sys.uriPodBase") && podHandler.baseUrl != null)
            envs["sys.uriPodBase"] = podHandler.baseUrl.toStr

        envStr := StrBuf()
        if (envs?.size > 0) {
            envStr.add("var env = fan.sys.Map.make(fan.sys.Str.\$type, fan.sys.Str.\$type);\n")
            envs.each |v, k| {
                v = v.toCode('\'')
                if (k == "sys.uriPodBase")
                    envStr.add("fan.sys.UriPodBase = $v;\n")
                    envStr.add("env.set('$k', $v);\n")
        script := 
         // inject env vars
         var args = fan.sys.List.make(fan.sys.Str.\$type, ${params});

         // find main
         var qname = '$method.qname';
         var main = fan.sys.Slot.findMethod(qname);

         // invoke main
         if (main.isStatic());
         else main.callOn(main.parent().make(), args);"

        return injectRequireScript(jsParam, script)
    override HtmlInjector appendToHead(HtmlNode node) {
        return this
    override HtmlInjector appendToBody(HtmlNode node) {
        return this