using concurrent::AtomicInt

** (BSON Type) - 
** Timestamps are used internally by MongoDB's replication. 
** You can see them in their natural habitat by querying 'local.main.$oplog'.
final const class Timestamp {
    private static const AtomicInt  counterRef  := AtomicInt(0)
    ** The number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
    const Int seconds

    ** The increment value.
    const Int increment
    ** Creates a BSON Timestamp instance.
    new makeTimestamp(Int seconds, Int increment) {
        this.seconds   = seconds
        this.increment = increment
    ** Returns a unique 'Timestamp' representing now.
    static Timestamp now() {
        now := / 1000
        inc := counterRef.getAndIncrement
        // inc is supposed to reset for every unique now second
        // but feck it - we don't create Timestamp values, only MongoDB does!
        return Timestamp(now, inc)
    ** For Fantom serialisation
    new make(|This|f) { f(this) }
    ** Returns a Mongo Shell compliant, JavaScript representation of the 'Timestamp'. Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   timestamp.toJs  // --> Timestamp(1476290079, 4)
    ** See [MongoDB Extended JSON]``.
    Str toJs() {
        "Timestamp(${seconds}, ${increment})"

    override Str toStr() {
        "${seconds} + ${increment}"
    override Int hash() {
    override Bool equals(Obj? obj) {
        that                := obj as Timestamp
        if (that            == null)            return false
        if (this.seconds    != that.seconds)    return false
        if (this.increment  != that.increment)  return false
        return true
    override Int compare(Obj obj) {
        that                := (Timestamp) obj
        if (this == that)   return 0
        if (this.seconds    < that.seconds)     return -1
        if (this.seconds    > that.seconds)     return  1
        if (this.increment  < that.increment)   return -1
        if (this.increment  > that.increment)   return  1
                                                return  0