** Reads and writes BSON documents to and from Streams and Bufs.
class BsonIO {
    ** Reads a BSON document from an 'InStream'.
    ** Notes:
    **  - 'BINARY' objects with a subtype of 'BIN_GENERIC' are returned as a 'Buf'.
    **  - 'CODE' objects are returned as 'Strs'.
    **  - 'INTEGER_32' values are returned as 64-bit 'Ints'.
    **  - 'REGEX' flags are converted to embedded character flags.
    **  - Deprecated BSON objects are returned as 'null'. 
    ** All 'DATE' objects are returned in the given 'TimeZone'.
    ** This does not change the *instant* in the date time continuum, just time zone it is reported in.
    ** This lets a stored date time of '12 Dec 2012 18:00 UTC' be returned as '12 Dec 2012 13:00 New_York'.
    Str:Obj? readDoc(InStream in, TimeZone tz := TimeZone.cur) {
        BsonReader(in, tz).readDocument

    ** Writes the BSON document to a Buf. 
    ** As per BSON spec, the returned 'Buf' is set to be little endian.
    Buf writeDoc(Str:Obj? document, Buf? buf := null) {
    ** Pretty prints MongoDB documents to a JSON-esque string.
    ** Useful for debugging.
    ** Note PrettyPrinter only pretty prints if the resulting text string if greater than 'maxWidth'.
    ** So if 'PrettyPrinter' appears not to be working, then try setting a smaller 'maxWidth'.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   str := BsonIO.print(doc, 20)
    ** 'maxWidth' defaults to '80', and 'indent' to 2 spaces.
    Str print(Obj? val, Int? maxWidth := null, Str? indent := null) {
        BsonPrinter {
            it.maxWidth = maxWidth  ?: 80
            it.indent   = indent    ?: "  "