using afButter
using afSizzle
using afHtmlParser
using xml
using concurrent

** Middleware that lets you make CSS selector queries against the HTTP response.
** You need to make sure the 'ButterResponse' holds a well formed XML document else an 'XErr' is thrown. If rendering
** [Slim]`` templates then make sure it compiles XHTML documents (and not HTML):
**   slim := Slim(TagStyle.xhtml) 
** 'SizzleMiddleware' lazily parses the 'ButterResponse' into a 'SizzleDoc' so you can still make requests for non XML
** documents - just don't query them!  
class SizzleMiddleware : ButterMiddleware {
    ** If 'true' (the default) then [HtmlParser]`` is used to parse the response for HTML.
    ** If 'false' then the standard Fantom XML parser is used. 
    Bool useHtmlParser  := true
    ** The 'SizzleDoc' associated with the last request.
    SizzleDoc sizzleDoc {
        get { getSizzleDoc() }
        private set { }

    ** Selects elements from the 'SizzleDoc'.
    XElem[] select(Str cssSelector) {

    private Uri?            reqUri
    private SizzleDoc?      doc
    private ButterResponse? res
    private HtmlParser?     htmlParser

    override ButterResponse sendRequest(Butter butter, ButterRequest req) {
        this.res = null
        this.doc = null
        this.reqUri = null
        this.res = butter.sendRequest(req)
        this.reqUri = req.url
        return res

    private SizzleDoc getSizzleDoc() {
        if (res == null)
            throw Err("No requests have been made!")
        if (doc != null)
            return doc
        type := "HTML"
        try {
            // only use HtmlParser to parse HTML, XParser is much faster at XML
            if (useHtmlParser && res.headers.contentType.noParams.toStr.equalsIgnoreCase("text/html")) {
                if (htmlParser == null)
                    htmlParser = HtmlParser()
                xml := htmlParser.parseDoc(res.body.str)
                doc = SizzleDoc(xml)
            // if HtmlParser didn't work (or disabled) then try the usual way
            // it gives better error msgs anyway (for now).
            if (doc == null) {
                type = "XML"
                doc = SizzleDoc(res.body.str)       
            return doc
        } catch (Err e) {
            throw ParseErr("Response at `${reqUri}` is NOT ${type} - $e.msg", e)

    private Bool matchesType(MimeType? mimeType, Str[] types) {
        if (mimeType == null)
            return false
        type := "${mimeType.mediaType}/${mimeType.subType}".lower
        return types.any { it == type }