using concurrent::AtomicBool
using concurrent::AtomicRef
using afConcurrent::LocalRef
using afIoc::Registry
using afIoc::RegistryBuilder
using wisp::MemWispSessionStore
using wisp::WispSessionStore
using afBedSheet::BedSheetBuilder
using afBedSheet::BedSheetModule
using afButter::Butter
using afButter::HttpTerminator

** Initialises a Bed App without the overhead of starting the 'wisp' web server. 
** 'BedServer' is a 'const' class so it may be used in multiple threads. Do this to create 'BedClients' in different
** threads to make concurrent calls - handy for load testing.
const class BedServer {
    private const static Log    log         := BedServer#.pod.log

    private const AtomicRef     reg         := AtomicRef()
    private const AtomicBool    started     := AtomicBool()
    private const LocalRef      builderRef  := LocalRef("bedSheetBuilder")

    ** The underlying 'BedSheetBuilder' instance.
    BedSheetBuilder bedSheetBuilder {
        get { builderRef.val }
        set { builderRef.val = it }

    ** The IoC registry.
    Registry registry {
        get { checkHasStarted; return reg.val }
        private set { reg.val = it }

    ** Returns the options from the IoC 'RegistryBuilder'.
    ** Read only.
    Str:Obj? options {
        get { bedSheetBuilder.options }
        private set { throw Err("Read only") }

    ** Create a 'BedServer' instance with the given qname of either a Pod or a Type. 
    new makeWithName(Str qname) {
        this.builderRef.val = BedSheetBuilder(qname)

    ** Create a 'BedServer' instance with the given IoC module (usually your web app).
    new makeWithModule(Type iocModule) {
        this.builderRef.val = BedSheetBuilder(iocModule.qname)

    ** Create a 'BedServer' instance with the given pod (usually your web app).
    new makeWithPod(Pod webApp) {
        this.builderRef.val = BedSheetBuilder(

    ** Adds an extra (test) module to the registry, should you wish to override service behaviour.
    ** Convenience for 'bedSheetBuilder.addModule()'
    BedServer addModule(Type iocModule) {
        return this

    ** Adds many modules to the registry
    ** Convenience for 'bedSheetBuilder.addModules()'
    This addModules(Type[] moduleTypes) {
        return this
    ** Inspects the [pod's meta-data]`docLang::Pods#meta` for the key 'afIoc.module'. This is then 
    ** treated as a CSV list of (qualified) module type names to load.
    ** If 'addDependencies' is 'true' then the pod's dependencies are also inspected for IoC 
    ** modules.
    ** Convenience for 'bedSheetBuilder.addModulesFromPod()'
    This addModulesFromPod(Str podName, Bool addDependencies := true) {
        bedSheetBuilder.addModulesFromPod(podName, addDependencies)
        return this     
    ** Removes modules of the given type. If a module of the given type is subsequently added, it is silently ignored.
    This removeModule(Type moduleType) {
        return this     

    ** Startup 'afBedSheet'
    BedServer startup() {
        bedSheetBuilder.options["afIoc.bannerText"]     = "Alien-Factory BedServer v${typeof.pod.version}, IoC v${Registry#.pod.version}" 
        bedSheetBuilder.options["afBedSheet.appName"]   = "BedServer"
        registry =
        started.val = true
        return this

    ** Shutdown 'afBedSheet'
    BedServer shutdown() {
        if (started.val)
        reg.val = null
        started.val = false
        return this
    ** Creates a pack of 'Butter' whose middleware ends with a BedTerminator which makes requests to the Bed app.  
    BedClient makeClient() {
        return BedClient(Butter.churnOut(
                .exclude { it.typeof == HttpTerminator# }
                .insert(0, SizzleMiddleware())

    // ---- Registry Methods ----
    ** Helper method - tap into BedSheet's afIoc registry
    Obj serviceById(Str serviceId, Bool checked := true) {
        checkHasStarted; checkHasNotShutdown
        return registry.activeScope.serviceById(serviceId, checked)

    ** Helper method - tap into BedSheet's afIoc registry
    Obj serviceByType(Type serviceType, Bool checked := true) {
        checkHasStarted; checkHasNotShutdown
        return registry.activeScope.serviceByType(serviceType, checked)

    ** Helper method - tap into BedSheet's afIoc registry
    Obj build(Type type, Obj?[]? ctorArgs := null, [Field:Obj?]? fieldVals := null) {
        checkHasStarted; checkHasNotShutdown
        return, ctorArgs, fieldVals)

    ** Helper method - tap into BedSheet's afIoc registry
    Obj inject(Obj instance) {
        checkHasStarted; checkHasNotShutdown
        return registry.activeScope.inject(instance)

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'serviceById()' instead" }
    Obj dependencyByType(Type dependencyType, Bool checked := true) {
        serviceByType(dependencyType, checked)

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'build()' instead" }
    Obj autobuild(Type type, Obj?[]? ctorArgs := null, [Field:Obj?]? fieldVals := null) {
        build(type, ctorArgs, fieldVals)

    @NoDoc @Deprecated { msg="Use 'inject()' instead" }
    Obj injectIntoFields(Obj instance) {
    // ---- helper methods ----
    ** as called by BedClients - if no reg then we must have been shutdown
    internal Void checkHasNotShutdown() {
        if (reg.val == null)
            throw Err("${} has been shutdown!")

    private Void checkHasStarted() {
        if (!started.val)
            throw Err("${} has not yet started!")

    private Void checkHasNotStarted() {
        if (started.val)
            throw Err("${} has not already been started!")