using xml
using afButter

** (HTML Element) Represents a form '<input>' of type 'text' or a '<textarea>'.
const class TextBox : Element {
    new makeFromFinder  (ElemFinder elemFinder) : super(elemFinder)  { }
    new makeFromCss     (Str cssSelector)       : super(cssSelector) { }
    ** Return the 'name' attribute.
    Str name() {
        getAttr("name") ?: ""

    ** Gets and sets the 'value' attribute.
    Str value {
        get { isTextArea ? text : getAttr("value") }
        set { 
            elem := findElem
            if (isTextArea(elem)) {
                elem.children.each { elem.remove(it) }
            setAttr("value", it, elem)

    ** Gets and sets the 'disabled' attribute (inverted).
    Bool enabled {
        get { getAttr("disabled") == null }
        set { setAttr("disabled", it ? null : "disabled") }

    ** Gets and sets the 'disabled' attribute.
    Bool disabled {
        get { getAttr("disabled") != null }
        set { setAttr("disabled", it ? "disabled" : null) }
    ** Verify that the hidden element has the given value.
    Void verifyValueEq(Obj expected) {
        verifyEq(value, expected)   
    override protected XElem findElem() {
        elem := super.findElem
        if (!isTextArea(elem) && !isInput(elem))
            fail("TextBox is NEITHER a <textarea> nor <input>: ", false)
        // we could assert on the input type here, but with do many HTML5 types being added and removed, I think we'll
        // wait for a standard to emerge first!
        return elem
    private Bool isTextArea(XElem elem := findElem) {"textarea")
    private Bool isInput(XElem elem) {"input")