BounceUser Guide


Bounce - use it to test your BedSheet Apps!

Bounce is a testing framework that makes requests to your Bed App without the expensive overhead of starting a web server, opening ports, and making network connections.

Bounce uses rich CSS selectors and a simple API to let you query and verify your web pages.


Install Bounce with the Fantom Repository Manager ( fanr ):

C:\> fanr install -r afBounce

To use in a Fantom project, add a dependency to

depends = ["sys 1.0", ..., "afBounce 1.0"]


Full API & fandocs are available on the Status302 repository.

Quick Start

1). Create a text file called

using afBounce
using afBedSheet
using afIoc

class Example : Test {
    Void testBedApp() {
        // given
        server := BedServer(AppModule#).startup
        client := server.makeClient

        // when

        // then
        title := Element("#title")
        title.verifyTextEq("Bed Bouncing!")

        // clean up

** A Really Simple Bed App!!!
class AppModule {
    @Contribute { serviceType=Routes# }
    static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig config) {
        config.add(Route(`/index`, Text.fromHtml("""<html><p id="title">Bed Bouncing!</p></html>""")))

2). Run as a Fantom test script ( fant ) from the command line:

C:\> fant

-- Run:  Example_0::Example.testBedApp...
[info] [afIoc] Adding modules from dependencies of 'afBedSheet'
[info] [afIoc] Adding module definition for afBedSheet::BedSheetModule
[info] [afIoc] Adding module definition for afIocConfig::IocConfigModule
[info] [afIoc] Adding module definition for afIocEnv::IocEnvModule
[info] [afIoc] Adding module definition for Example_0::AppModule
[info] [afIoc]
   ___    __                 _____        _
  / _ |  / /_____  _____    / ___/__  ___/ /_________  __ __
 / _  | / // / -_|/ _  /===/ __// _ \/ _/ __/ _  / __|/ // /
/_/ |_|/_//_/\__|/_//_/   /_/   \_,_/__/\__/____/_/   \_, /
         Alien-Factory BedServer v1.0.16, IoC v2.0.0 /___/

BedServer started up in 597ms

   Pass: Example_0::Example.testBedApp [1]

Time: 2052ms

*** All tests passed! [1 tests, 1 methods, 1 verifies]


Use BedServer to start an instance of your Bed App, and then use BedClient make repeated requests against it. The HTML elements are then used to verify that correct content is rendered.

BedClient is a ButterDish that wraps a Butter instance - all functionality is provided by Butter middleware. BedTerminator is the terminator of the stack, which sends requests to BedServer, which holds the instance of your Bed App.

Verify HTML Content

When queried, the HTML classes ( Element, TextBox, etc...) use the last response from the client. The client stores itself in the Actor.locals() map, and the HTML elements implicitly use this value. This means you can define your Elements once (in a mixin if need be) and use them over and over without needing to track the response they're querying. Example:

// deinfe your elements
title := Element("h1")
link  := Element("#page2")

// use them
title.verifyTextEq("Home Page")

Inspect the WebSession

It is often useful to inspect, assert against, or even set values in, a client's web session. As the BedClient holds the session, this is easy!

using afBounce

class TestMyBedApp : Test {
    Void testBedApp() {
        server := BedServer(AppModule#).startup
        client := server.makeClient


        // set values in the user's session
        client.webSession["userName"] = "Emma"

        // assert against session values

Inject Services Into Tests

BedServer has access to the IoC registry used by your Bed App, this lets you inject services into your test.

using afBounce
using afIoc

class TestMyBedApp : Test {

    MyService myService

    Void testBedApp() {
        server := BedServer(AppModule#).startup

        // inject services into test


Override Services

BedServer lets you specify additional Ioc modules, letting you add custom test modules that override or stub out real services with test ones.

using afBounce

class TestMyBedApp : Test {

    Void testBedApp() {
        server := BedServer(AppModule#)

        // override services with test implementations



Test Outside The Box!

By creating BedClient with a Butter stack that ends with a real HTTP terminator, Bounce can also be used to test web applications in any environment. Example:

using afBounce
using afButter

class TestFantomFactory : Test {

    Void testFantomFactory() {
        // add Sizzle to the default middleware stack
        client := BedClient(Butter.churnOut(
            Butter.defaultStack.insert(0, SizzleMiddleware())

        // make real http requests to your integration environment

        // use sizzle to test
        tagLine := Element(".jumbotronic h1 + p")
        tagLine.verifyTextEq("A library for testing Bed applications!")

Not Just for Bed Apps!

The HTML element classes ( Element, TextBox, etc...) are not just for testing Bed Applications! By setting a SizzleDoc instance in Actor.locals() with the key afBounce.sizzleDoc you can use the HTML classes with any HTML:

using afBounce
using afSizzle

class TestHtml : Test {

    Void testHtml() {
        xhtml := "<html xmlns="http://www.w3..."  // --> your XHTML
        Actor.locals["afBounce.sizzleDoc"] = SizzleDoc.fromStr(xhtml)

        success := Element("span.success")


Release Notes


  • New: FormInput for a consistent means to get and set the value of any form field element.
  • New: Element methods hasAttr(), verifyAttrExists() and xelem().
  • Chg: Form element values may return null if a value has not been set.
  • Chg: Renamed Element.classs() -> Element.cssClass() along with other similar methods.
  • Chg: Link may also represent a SubmitButton.
  • Chg: Link.href now returns a Uri.
  • Chg: Err is now thrown when submitting a form with a method other than GET or POST.
  • Bug: Select options are now selected and not checked... Duh!
  • Bug: Link clicks and form submits now properly (percent) decode URLs.
  • Bug: Submitting encoded forms now always sets the Content-Length HTTP request header.


  • New: Uses HtmlParser to parse documents of content type text/html.




  • New: Added Link.verifyHrefEq().
  • Chg: BedClient.webSession() now takes a Bool create argument so tests can create web sessions.


  • New: Added Element.elementName.
  • Bug: Element.getAtIndex() threw a CastErr if called on a subclass of Element.


  • Bug: Submitting forms from arbitrary elements could cause a NullErr.


  • New: Support for HTML5 submit attributes formaction, formmethod and formenctype.
  • New: SubmitButton support for <input type="image"> and <button type="submit">.


  • New: Can now use the HTML Elements outside of a BedSheet application.
  • Chg: Updated WebSession to work with new BedSheet 1.3.8 changes.
  • Chg: Form elements with no name now cause warning messages, not Errs.



  • New: HTML Element classes with an abundance of helper and verify methods.


  • Chg: BedTerminator more closely follows Butter's HttpTerminator
  • Chg: Renamed to BedClient().selectCss()


  • New: Preview Release