** (HTML Element) Gives a consistent means to get and set the value of *any* form field.  
const class FormInput : Element {
    new makeFromFinder  (ElemFinder elemFinder) : super(elemFinder)  { }
    new makeFromCss     (Str cssSelector)       : super(cssSelector) { }

    ** Returns the 'name' attribute.
    Str? name() {

    ** Gets and sets the 'value' attribute.
    ** Returns 'null' if the value has not been set.
    Str? value {
        get {
            switch (elementName) {
                case "input":
                    if (getAttr("type") == "checkbox")
                        return toCheckBox.checked.toStr
                        return getAttr("value")
                case "textarea":
                    return toTextBox.value
                case "select":
                    return toSelectBox.selected?.value ?: null
                case "option":
                    return toOption.value
                    return fail("Element is NOT a form input: ", false)
        set {
            switch (elementName) {
                case "input":
                    if (getAttr("type") == "checkbox")
                        toCheckBox.checked = it.toBool
                        setAttr("value", it)
                case "textarea":
                    toTextBox.value = it
                case "select":
                    if (toSelectBox.optionByValue(it) == null)
                        fail("There is no <option> with the value: $it\n", false)                       
                    toSelectBox.optionByValue(it).selected = true
                case "option":
                    toOption.value = it
                    fail("Element is NOT a form input: ", false)
    ** Verify that the form field has the given value.
    Void verifyValueEq(Obj expected) {
        verifyEq(value, expected)   