using afIoc::Inject
using afIoc::Registry
using afBedSheet::ResponseProcessors
using afBedSheet::MethodCall
using draft::Route as DraftRoute

** (Service) - Contribute 'DraftRoute' objects to this.
** Responsible for routing URIs to request handlers.
const mixin DraftRoutes {

    ** The ordered list of routes
    abstract DraftRoute[] routes()

    ** Returns true if the HTTP request was handled.
    @NoDoc  // not for public use 
    abstract Bool processRequest(Uri modRel, Str httpMethod)

internal const class DraftRoutesImpl : DraftRoutes {

    override const DraftRoute[] routes

    @Inject private const ResponseProcessors    responseProcessors  

    internal new make(DraftRoute[] routes, |This|? in := null) {
        this.routes = routes

    override Bool processRequest(Uri modRel, Str httpMethod) {
        normalisedUri := normalise(modRel)

        // loop through all routes looking for a non-null response
        handled := routes.eachWhile |route| {
            args := route.match(normalisedUri, httpMethod)

            if (args == null)
                return null

            // convert draft classes into BedSheet ones
            response := MethodCall(route.handler, args.isEmpty ? Obj#.emptyList : [args])
            // process any non-null results
            processed := responseProcessors.processResponse(response)
            return processed ? true : null

        return handled != null

    private Uri normalise(Uri uri) {
        if (!uri.isPathAbs)
            uri = `/` + uri
        return uri