** (Service) - A Request Handler that maps URIs to file resources inside pods. **** pre>** @Contribute { serviceType=Routes# }** static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig conf) {** ...** conf.add(Route(`/pod/***`, PodHandler#service))** ...** }** <pre** ** Now a request to '/pod/icons/x256/flux.png' should return just that! constmixin PodHandler {** Returns a pod resource (as a 'File') as mapped from the given uri.** Throws a `HttpStatusErr` 404 if not found.abstract File service(Uri remainingUri)}internalconstclass PodHandlerImpl : PodHandler {override File service(Uri remainingUri){// must have at least 3 path segments path := remainingUri.pathif(path.size < 2)throw HttpStatusErr(404, "File not found: $remainingUri")// lookup pod pod := Pod.find(path[0], false)if(pod == null)throw HttpStatusErr(404, "Pod not found: ${path[1]}")// lookup file file := pod.file(`/` + remainingUri[1..-1], false)if(file == null)throw HttpStatusErr(404, "Resource not found: ${pod.name}::/${remainingUri[1..-1]}")return file}}