const mixinafBedSheet::Middleware


Implement to define BedSheet middleware.

HTTP requests are funnelled through a stack of middleware instances until either one of them returns true, or they reach a terminator. The default BedSheet terminator returns a 404 error.

Middleware may perform processing before and / or after passing the request down the pipeline to other middleware instances. Use middleware to address cross cutting concerns such as authentication and authorisation. See the FantomFactory article Basic HTTP Authentication With BedSheet for examples.

Because middleware effectively wrap other middleware instances and each can terminate the pipeline prematurely, the ordering of middleware is extremely important.

Route instances are processed in the Routes middleware. So generally you would explicitly contribute your own middleware to be before or after this.

IOC Configuration

Instances of Middleware should be contributed to the MiddlewarePipeline service.

For example, in your AppModule class:

@Contribute { serviceType=MiddlewarePipeline# }
static Void contributeMiddleware(OrderedConfig conf) {
    conf.addOrdered("AuthMiddleware", conf.autobuild(AuthMiddleware#), ["before: Routes"])


abstract Bool service(MiddlewarePipeline pipeline)

Return true if you handled the request and no further request processing should be performed. Otherwise the request should be sent down the pipeline.